Money Saving Tips

Ways To Reduce Your Power Bill By Reducing Power Usage

Recently we have been paying a lot more than we’d like for power. So we decided to find some ways to cut down our electricity costs. Here’s what we found.

Washing your clothes

Pick permanent press – this dryer setting generally uses the least amount of energy and it’s also easier on your clothes.

Operate your clothes dryer with full loads.

Run dryer on automatic cycles – use an automatic cycle as over-drying wastes energy and damages your clothes.

Washing dishes

Always load up your dishwasher until it’s full before you run it.

Clean out your dishwasher regularly – to prevent the filter and spray arm from clogging with soap scum, food particles, and lime scale which will reduce efficiency and may also hinder effective washing.


Use a pressure cooker – it reduces cooking time and energy use.

Use metal baking dishes as they transfer heat to food better than stoneware or glass.

Turn off the oven a little bit early – the remaining heat will finish your cooking job without using as much energy.

Use the right-sized burner on your stove for the pot or pan you are using. Using the right sized burner for your pot while cooking can speed up cooking time and reduce energy loss by about 40%.


Replace an old fridge – on average, older refrigerators use 35% more energy compared to newer models. We just did so and found we are saving about $1 each day on our power bill.

Buy an Energy Star certified refrigerator when you are ready to replace the one you have.

Allow minimum clearance around your refrigerator – make sure there is sufficient space between your fridge coils and the wall as this will allow your fridge to operate more efficiently.


Unplug appliances that are not in use around your home.

For whatever appliances you need to replace, opt for Energy Star certified appliances whenever possible.

Hot water

Lower the temperature on your water heater. The recommended temperature is 49 degrees Celsius or 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Shave a minute off your shower time – this can result in a reduction of water usage of at least 13%.

Wrap your hot water tank and save up to 9% on water heating bills.

Consider a tankless water heater – they can save you up to 40% on your water heating bills.

There are certainly a lot of great ideas out there. If you want to cut your power costs, try these and do some research online as you will find many more ways to reduce your power bill.

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