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15 Ways to Conserve Water & Save Money

conserve water and save moneyThere are a lot of ways that we can consciously conserve water around our home and yard.  As a result, we will be paying less for our water bills as well as reducing the amount of water we waste.  Overtime, these behaviors can have a significant positive impact on our environment and our pocketbook.

1.  Take a shower instead of a bath.  A 5-minute shower uses 30 to 40 gallons of water.

2.  Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and shaving.

3.  Collect rainwater to use to water your lawn and garden.

4.  Use a water amplifying shower head so you use less water while taking a shower.

5.  Install a water efficient toilet.  (Flushing comprises about 35% of a household’s total water consumption, so your toilet’s efficiency has a significant impact on your water usage.)

6.  Only run the dishwasher and the clothes washing machine when you have a full load.  When doing laundry, if you do have a smaller load, be sure to change the settings to use less water.

7.  Fix the leaky faucets around your home.  Although one small drop is insignificant, if left unfixed, you will waste 10 gallons of water everyday.

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