When you shop around for big -ticket items like laptops and appliances, you would likely be prone to shop around, right? Well, it’s a wise idea to do the same when your car is in need of a major repair. Why? Because you might be able to save a lot of money on your repairs by getting a second opinion. Not to mention the fact that you might also find out that some of the repairs that the first shop recommended may not be required.
We recently had to do some major repairs on our car. The first shop my husband took our car to estimated the cost to be about $100 more than the second shop. We generally just go to the shop nearest to us since it is so close and convenient, however, my husband thought it would be a good idea to try another shop since the repairs were so costly. I’m glad he did. For the extra bit of time it took him to get the second opinion, we saved some hard-earned cash that could be used towards other savings goals.