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value your time


Time Or Money – Which Is Your Priority?

I used to be the type of person who would go to great lengths to save a buck, regardless of how much time it would take me to do it.  I wouldn’t think twice about spending a half hour to save a few dollars.  But now I have come to realize that time is of much more value to me than money is.  There is plenty of money floating around out there that is there for the taking, but my time is limited.

So, rather than spending my precious free time scampering around trying to save a few dollars by buying my groceries at four different places, I have decided to choose one store to shop at, even if I may not get the best deals on everything at that one store.  Rather than spending three to four hours worth of time buying groceries by shopping at so many locations, I have been able to cut down my shopping to an hour or less every two weeks.  Changing my shopping habits has saved me a tremendous amount of free time.

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