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travel on a budget

Travel & Entertainment

5 Budget Friendly Travel Ideas For 2014

earn money and travelJust because you have a small budget, it doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. Indeed, there are a plethora of destinations and locations where you can have great fun – without doing too much financial damage. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can go almost anywhere and do anything. Not only that, but you can visit some of those amazing cities that you’ve always wanted to visit – without paying a fortune for hotel and lodging costs. How is this done? Well, there are a lot of ways to bend traditional travel customs to fit your budget – you just have to think outside the box. Here are five budget friendly travel ideas for 2014.

Take a cruise. When it comes down to it, most of us don’t have the budget to fly around the world and stay at fancy resorts. However, there are many budget cruise lines out there that allow you to purchase all-inclusive packages. These packages include your stay on the cruise ship – plus meals and entertainment. The best part is that you can get a taste of multiple different locations and cities on one cruise.

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