Although the main reason to go to college is so that you can get the education that you need in order to get the kind of job that you want, ask just about any former college student and they will tell you that it’s also the time when you can develop great money management skills. After all, if there’s ever a time when an individual has to figure out how to make their money stretch as far as possible, it would while they’re in college.
If you would like some tips on how you can make your money last longer while you’re in college, we have five failsafe ones for you below:
Live on campus (or with your parents). Although it can be cool to have an off-campus apartment, with it comes a lot of financial responsibility including paying for rent and utilities each month. Our recommendation would be that you live on campus or with your parents, at least for a couple of years instead. That way, your money can stay in the bank rather than going to a landlord.