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soul food


Are You Feeding Your Soul Or Just Your Bank Account?

don't neglect yoru soulThis may sound like a cheesy topic, but just bear with me for a minute, and maybe you will see where I am going with this.

How much of your day is taken up with earning money?  I am not just talking about the time spent at work, but the time spent commuting to work, the time spent at home when you are thinking about work, and whatever else I failed to mention here.  For most people, the answer is probably a lot higher than they realize.

So what can we all do about it?  Well, for starters, we need to consciously take the time to feed our souls, too, and not just our bank accounts.  One easy way is to pop in a CD of an artist you really enjoy while driving to work.   Pick something that relaxes you, that moves you, and that puts you in a good mood.  This simple thing is a way to feed your soul.  And it doesn’t cost you anything.

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