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How Yard Sales Can Make You Money

Do you know what a yardsaler is? A yardsaler is somebody that goes around to yard sales all the time. Now, this is not how you make money, however, being a yardsaler can bring in a lot of extra income if you are smart.  I’ll tell you how.

How can I make money by yardsaling?

The way that you go about making money is you scour all sorts of yard sales for good deals. If you find something that you know you can sell to a friend, on Craigslist or on eBay, then buy it. This is the general way to make money in yard sales, however, there is a different way that I want to talk to you about that works much better.

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It Pays To Be Organized When You Shop

I have observed that it truly does pay to be organized when you shop.  It only takes a couple of seconds to check online flyers before you head out to grocery shop. Although I am not a big fan of coupons, I definitely do see the benefit in knowing what’s on sale before I shop.

Lists save you money

Once you’ve had a chance to peek at the flyer, jot down the sale items that you need and scratch down the prices beside them so when you shop you know what you are looking for.  By doing so you will ensure that you will get all the items you need on sale rather than paying regular price.

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5 Ways To Reduce Your Weekly Food Bill

There are no two ways about it, most of the world is in the grips of the worst recession the country has ever seen. The economy has contracted for a second time, hence the ‘double dip’ recession and unemployment is at a record 8.2% in the UK and with further government public sector cuts on the way, this is set to increase. There have been a number of articles published about how to survive the recession, which includes things like building up savings, reducing spending etc., however this article focuses more closely on one of the major monthly outgoings, the weekly food bill and how to keep this to a minimum.

The weekly shop is a necessary family activity. It can be fraught with worry however, as feeding a family of any size is now more expensive than ever and families currently have less disposable income than before. Therefore we have put together five practical suggestions for keeping the food bill to a minimum.

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Shopping Online Versus Shopping On Main Street

Many consumers today have made the choice to shop online, rather than visit the local mall or main street shopping area. Although it feels good to shop locally, and offer local business owners support, shopping online has certain benefits that can’t be ignored. This is made clear when you look at the information on websites like Cell Phone Deal that discuss the latest eCommerce statistics – it’s surprising just how many people shop online! Whatever product or service you may need, you are certain to find it offered online and nine times out of ten it will be cheaper. It is up to you, as a consumer, to decide which method of shopping works best for you and if you are looking for a real bargain.

Online Shopping Is Convenient & Often Cheaper

One of the fundamental reasons why people shop for products or services online is a simple matter of both convenience and price. If you live in a very rural area, or you have no access to transportation, shopping on the Internet makes perfect sense. Spending an entire day to make your way to a department store is not a good use of resources. With fuel prices at a relative high, it just doesn’t make sense to travel 15 miles in order to buy toothpaste and shampoo. If you are trying to save money then you have a world of stores online at your finger tips, so you can bargain hunt and save money very easily.

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Superstore Is Not Always The Best Place To Buy Groceries

In the past I wrote an article about reasons that I shopped at Superstore for all of my groceries.  However, my opinion has now changed.  In the province where my husband and I previously resided, shopping at Superstore was the best choice for us as we took advantage of Superbucks that we received from the Superstore gas station and compared to other popular grocery stores, Superstore really was the cheapest alternative.

However, ever since we moved to a different Canadian province, I have found that Superstore is no longer the best option for us.  Instead, I have found much better prices at a wide variety of other stores, including No Frills, Food Basics, and Produce Depot, to name a few.

When we first moved, I did my shopping at Superstore and was very disappointed in the poor quality and limited variety of the produce.  The prices were much higher than I expected.  Sure, they had a few really low priced items and they still did have the freebies for those who spent a certain minimum, however, there just wasn’t enough low priced items to make me want to shop there again.

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