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smart debt


Why Examining Your Debt Load Is A Good Idea

Take your “financial temperature”

Every once in a while, it is a good idea to take a closer look at your current debt situation.  That way you can take the temperature, so to speak, of your current financial situation.  A good place to start is to create a list with all your existing loans/debts and beside each to write the current interest rate, balance outstanding, and current payment arrangements, if any.

You may be surprised at how much debt you have taken on without your noticing it piling up.  By checking in once in a while, you will be better equipped to handle your debt before it becomes too burdensome.

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How To Find The Lowest Rates On Personal Loans

Are you looking for a personal loan to save for a rainy day or to get hold of your financial crisis? If so, then it means that you are looking for the loan with the lowest interest rate and one that will probably save you some money.

Once you ascertain that you are eligible for a low-interest personal loan, then you have to get the right house to help you resolve your financial crisis or get rid of the financial problem. Some of the ways that will help you get the lowest rates for personal loans include:

  • Get a secured loan

One of the surest ways to getting a personal loan at a lower interest loan is by giving credible collateral for the loan. The cheapest way of getting the low interest loan is by getting a home equity line or credit. However, before signing the documents, ensure that the rates and the terms of the agreement are friendly and capable of protecting your home from foreclosure.

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Busted Myths About Personal Finance

There’s no denying it; money is one of the most important things in our lives. It dictates everything we do in this world. Therefore, improving personal financial situations should be at the top of everyone’s agenda.

Regardless of any other life factor, we can all appreciate the importance of money. However, it’s a complex subject that most people struggle to gain a grasp of. In most cases, the main source of trouble is that we follow false information. Quite frankly, those financial myths could be doing far more harm than good.

Acquiring a deeper understanding will naturally put you in a far more powerful position. Here are 12 of the most common misconceptions. Learn the truth behind them, and you should be able to boost your finances in no time.

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5 Signs That You Have A Debt Problem

We live in an instant gratification society. Our forebears would have saved up to buy the things they wanted, but today’s ‘buy it now’ generation doesn’t want to wait for their new toys. Instead they take out personal loans or max out their credit cards to afford new cars, designer clothes or luxury holidays. There is nothing wrong with this mentality, but the problems usually come when the person’s personal circumstances change.

Personal loans and credit cards can be enormously useful tools. There will always be times when you need cash fast and you can’t wait until your end of year bonus hits your bank account. Used wisely, credit is a lifesaver (look at this website for the types of personal loans available to you), but if you borrow more than you can afford to repay, it won’t be long before you are struggling to keep your head above water. If this sounds like your current situation, here are five signs your debts are out of control.

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How To Get The Best Deal On Your First Mortgage

Getting your first mortgage can seem like an exciting time. You’re finally purchasing a home for your family, and that’s cause for celebration. However, it’s important you take action to ensure you get the best deal possible. Believe it or not, people can pay varying amounts of interest each month for the same loan. So, you’ll want to take note of some of the advice in this article if you hope to keep as much cash in your accounts as possible. Thankfully, the process is not complicated, and you just need to follow the right path.

Save the largest deposit possible

It stands to reason that obtaining a large deposit will mean you get a better deal on your mortgage. The guys at and other relevant sites offer some great advice on the subject. You won’t have to borrow as much money, and so your monthly payments should decrease. In an ideal world, you should try to set aside around 10% to 20% of the total cost of the home. If you do that, your loan will only have to cover the remaining 80%. That could mean the difference between paying $500 per month or $400. You could spend that extra cash on home renovations or better holidays with your family.

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