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Credit Cards

The Benefits And Dangers Of A Student Credit Card

The Pros And Cons Of A Student Credit Card

There are plenty of ways that a student could benefit from obtaining a student credit card. It is a great way to begin learning how to properly budget your finances to avoid debt. At the same time, debt may be the very reason a student would want to avoid a credit card. It is known that many credit card companies wish to provide cards to student with the understanding that they would use it irresponsibly. That may not sound beneficial for the credit card company, but the truth is that a card user in debt is worth more to the credit card company than someone who pays their monthly amount without hesitation. The credit industry is very different than it once was.

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Tips For Saving Money On Your Mortgage

Improve your Credit Score

Did you know that you can actually save money on your mortgage? Most people don’t realize this, however, it is true. The best way to save money on your mortgage is to first increase your credit score and improve your lending history. By doing this you will show the mortgage lender that you are a reputable borrower and that their money is safe with you. Now, that is the obvious answer as to how to save money, but there are a couple more ways.

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How To Improve Your Credit Score

A credit score is a numerical figure that depicts the credit worthiness of an individual. The credit score sometimes referred to as a FICO score is used by lenders to judge an individual’s financial health. It is an indication of the risk that you pose to the lender compared to other customers. Credit scores are calculated in a number of ways. The three major credit reporting agencies—TransUnion, Equifax and Experian—use a scale of 300 to 900. A higher score on this scale shows that you pose a lower risk to lenders. Most lenders have set up the minimum credit score that an individual can have to access a loan. Apart from that, credit scores are used by lenders in setting the interest rates. It is important to improve a blemished credit score, as it can deny you a car, home or a personal loan. Below are some things that you can undertake, to improve your credit rating.

1. Credit Report

Most people learn about their credit score when they apply for a loan. It is important to get acquainted with you credit score beforehand, so that you can know if you need to work on it before you go to the lenders. The credit report contains the list of accounts that are lowering your credit score. Get a credit report from the three major credit agencies mentioned above, and determine what accounts are okay, and those that need to be worked on. You can access your credit report online for free from websites such as The You should correct any errors present in the credit report, by providing the right information to the credit agencies, as errors really hurt your credit score. For example, an erroneous late payment can lower your score by 60 to 100 points.

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How To Get Approved For A Mortgage

If you are sick and tired of paying rent, knowing that you are practically throwing away your money month by month, here are a few things you should know about before you go and get a mortgage preapproval from your local financial institution

Access To Credit

Before a financial institution will lend you money they will want to know how much access to credit you have.  For example, they will ask you about your limits on your credit cards, lines of credit, overdraft protection on your bank accounts, as well as on any loans you may have.  Even if you are not carrying a balance on your credit products, the lending institution will still have to take your limits into account.  The lending institution may ask you to decrease or get rid of some of your credit products in order to approve you for a mortgage.

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What You Need To Know About The Total Debt Service Ratio

What is a Total Debt Service Ratio?

Total Debt Servicing Ratio, or TDSR for short, is a measurement that tells you the percentage of gross annual income required to cover the annual costs associated with housing and all other debts you may have such as loans, lines of credit, credit cards, etc.

Why is TDSR Important?

This is how a lending institution will determine how much they can lend you when you apply for a mortgage or other type of credit product such as a home equity loan.  The lending institution wants to ensure that you will be able to afford to repay them if they lend you money.  TDSR is a way of showing your credibility, so to speak.

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