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How To Save Money When You Shop At Bulk Barn

In case you have never heard of it, Bulk Barn is a Canadian franchise that sells a wide variety of bulk foods including all kinds of candy, health foods, pastas, and much more.  If you have an allergy to gluten, there are many gluten-free products available including snack foods, chocolate, and brown rice pastas.  You can save yourself a lot of money by shopping at Bulk Barn, but here are a few tips to follow in order to do so:

1.  Watch your prices. Just like at any other store, some things are a bargain, but others are overpriced.  Although you may think that everything would be cheaper at a bulk food store, think again.  Certain products such as all purpose flour actually will cost you more if you buy it at Bulk Barn.  Also, you will often be able to find your cereals for less at a regular grocery store, especially if you buy cereal when it goes on sale.  And to all you junk food junkies, another thing to watch out for is certain types of candy.  Sometimes you can buy candy cheaper at Walmart or on sale at grocery stores.  A good example of this would be M & Ms.

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Do Not Buy More Than You Need Even If It Is Cheaper

Sometimes it is easy to get suckered into buying more than we need because the price sometimes drops when you buy more.  However, if you end up buying more than you need and you end up letting some go to waste, then you have really not saved any money at all.

For example, one time my husband and I were really hungry and we stopped at a grocery store.  The lady behind the counter was selling various flavors of chicken wings and she managed to persuade us to buy two pounds  of them!  You see, the price dropped by a dollar a pound if we bought at least two pounds.  Her argument was you might as well get two pounds since the price drops.

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Are You Really Getting Free Stuff?

Daily we are bombarded with all sorts of advertisements, whether it’s on TV, on the radio, or on a sign while commuting to work.  Advertisements are unavoidable, and there are many of them that say they will give you something for free.  Free is good, we think, and we may fall into the trap of buying an overpriced item because we actually think we are getting something for nothing.  That is usually not the case.

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A Reason To Shop At Shoppers Drug Mart

I  seldom buy anything at Shoppers Drug Mart as I can usually get everything I need at Superstore, but the few times I have gone to Shoppers, I discovered that they provide great incentives there whenever you spend a specific amount of money.  For example, just recently my husband and I went to pick up some special toothbrushes there and because we spent more than $75 we got a $20 gift card for Boston Pizza.  Nice!

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Do Not Go Shopping When You Are Lazy Or Hungry

Many people will advise you not to go grocery shopping when you are hungry because you will end up buying more than you anticipated.  I completely agree as I have discovered firsthand that this is exactly what happens if I shop on an empty stomach.  Anything that looks remotely edible becomes appealing and I end up buying a whole lot of items that I never would have even considered under normal circumstances.

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