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savings goals


Pennysaverblog 100 Day Challenge Update 2

I thought it was time to post an update on the Pennysaverblog 100-Day Challenge.  I’ve got 74 days left to go and so far it has been going fairly well.

Here’s what has happened since the first update:

Exercising for 15 minutes a day has been going well, although there were two days that I didn’t exercise.  My excuse?  I haven’t been feeling very well lately, however, I shouldn’t make excuses, so from now on I am determined not to miss another day during the rest of this challenge.

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Pennysaver 100 Day Challenge Update 1

Ten days down, 90 more days to go for the Pennysaverblog 100-Day Challenge.  So far it has been going well.  I have been managing to get at least 15 minutes of exercise everyday.  One day I cheated a little but I made up for it by going for a long walk the next day.  As I thought, taking the time out of my day to exercise has been my biggest challenge.  I know 15 minutes isn’t much, but for me it will take some time to realize that exercise really should be a priority.

So far I haven’t given into the temptation to buy anything frivolous, although I am finding it tough to keep the grocery bill down. No matter how much I try, I always seem to spend more than I expected when I grocery shop.  I will have to work harder on that.  We haven’t eaten out, though, and I haven’t let myself near any dollar stores lately.

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Money Saving Tips

Save Money To Achieve Your Life Goals

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of creating savings goals.  Although I’ve written about this before, I thought I would jog your memory and have you think hard about what you want to achieve during your lifetime.  Once you’ve determined your life goals, the next step is to decide how soon you’d like to reach each goal, as well as how much money you are going to put aside each paycheck in order to achieve each goal.

To get you started, I am going to list examples of life goals that many people aim for.  Choose the ones that are most important to you and then we can move on to the next step.  Be creative.  There are so many things you can achieve with your unique gifts and talents.

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