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reduce taxes


Tips To Help Save On Your Taxes

taxesThere are two sureties of life – death, and taxes. Neither can be avoided,  but at least the pain can be alleviated. In the case of taxes, the effects can actually be reduced. Everybody wants to be able to save a little money but if taxes are unavoidable, how can you save money on them?

For a start, getting your tax returns in on time can help you avoid a nice fine from HMRC but else can you do to keep everyone happy and come away with some change?

Check your tax code

Your tax code may change from year to year, so make sure you check it. Using the wrong tax code can mean that you end up paying more tax than you should, so this is something worth keeping an eye on.

If you are not sure of what your tax code actually is, you can find it on your payslip.

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New Tax Credits And The Federal Budget

How will the average Canadian taxpayer benefit?

As the new government gets to work in Ottawa, the tax measures proposed in the March budget should soon be passed. Here are some of the changes you can expect to see on your tax return soon:

Children Arts Credit: Parents with children under 16 who are enrolled in artistic, cultural, recreational or developmental programs will be eligible to claim up to $500 in registration or membership fees. This includes things like scouting, credits, painting, pottery and tutoring. If a child is disabled, there is an additional $500 supplement.

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