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6 Financial Tips For Young People

tips for high school graduatesFirst of all, congratulations! You graduated from high school and you are ready to begin a new chapter in your life. Whether you have decided to attend college and work part time, or work full time for a year after high school, these financial tips will help you to establish yourself and ensure that you will achieve your goals.

Develop a positive relationship with money. That may sound really strange, but you need to realize that money itself is simply neutral. It’s how you handle it that determines whether money is going to serve you or you are going to serve it. The way to develop this positive relationship is to make sure that you are always in control of your money.   The key to staying in control is to never spend more than you earn and to get into the habit of saving wisely.

Think before you spend. You are now on your own. No one is looking over your shoulder and asking you how you are spending your money. It is up to you to be responsible with your money and only buy the things you really need. Sure, you can treat yourself once in a while, but remember, only spend money you actually have, and never buy things on credit that you can’t afford to pay back.

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Money Saving Tips

Unplug Your Appliances And Save Money

Apparently even when your appliances are turned off, many of them are continuously drawing power and costing you money.  Home electronics, in particular, are supposed to be big energy wasters.  By getting into the habit of unplugging electronics and other appliances when you are not using them, you can benefit by saving big on your electricity bill.

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