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no-credit financing


6 Common Misconceptions About No-Credit Needed Financing

no credit financingHow knowledgeable are you when it comes to no-credit needed financing? There are many misconceptions when it comes to this type of financing. Some people make the assumption that just because a company states no-credit needed that there are higher interest rates or high monthly payments. These are just two of the common misconceptions associated with this financing type.

Interest rates aren’t always higher

Are there some companies out there that charge a high interest rate? Yes! But, there are many more that don’t, and many even offer 90 days same as cash. Imagine receiving financing with a low down payment (or, no down payment) and never paying interest.

What this means, in simple terms, is that basically no credit financing is a program that gives you the product while you make payments. Some even offer cash loans. If during the first 90 days you’re able to pay the loan off, it will remove part or all of the interest.

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