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5 Things You Should Always Negotiate

things you should negotiate forPeople today don’t seem to have the haggling skills of past generations. More and more consumers are content to pay sticker price or MSRP on everything they buy. Perhaps it’s lazy shopping, or maybe shyness is plaguing our society. Whatever the case may be, it’s time you started learning to negotiate for your purchases again. There are 5 things in particular that you should always negotiate.

The Price of a Car

More negotiations happen at car dealerships every day than at any other kind of business. Cars are very expensive, and a purchase like this is an investment of thousands of dollars and years of monthly payments. Salespeople at the car dealership will typically offer flexibility in payment plans, but don’t forget to negotiate the total price of the car. Your salesperson would rather trim the price of a car on the lot than risk missing out on a sale.

Mortgage Rates

If you ever find yourself on the real estate market, looking for a new home, be sure to take some extra time to find the best rates on a mortgage. If you have a good credit rating, you should be able to haggle for a lower APR. You may also be able to negotiate the elimination of processing charges and closing fees. These may not seem significant compared to the price of a house, but there is a potential for several thousand dollars in savings if you negotiate with mortgage lenders.

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