Libraries are fantastic. They will save you a ton of money if you make use of them. If you live in a city, there are often several branches so there is sure to be one that is convenient for you. Libraries often have a website, too, so you can select the items you want and have them ready for you to pick up at your convenience.
If you are a movie lover, an affordable way to watch as many movies as you want, is to use a company called Netflix. For just $7.99 a month, you can watch an unlimited number of movies, documentaries, and TV shows, and your first month is free.
My husband recently signed us up and now when we have some spare time we can sign in and watch a movie to relax. Netflix is great because it offers easy access to a movie with the click of a button and it’s both legal and a really inexpensive entertainment option.
We watched the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic
the other night and I found it quite amusing. The main character, Rebecca Bloomwood, is absolutely in love with shopping. She can’t pass by a store window without seeing something that she wants to buy – and she does – and ends up racking up $16,000 in credit card debt. She knows she gets a sense of satisfaction from shopping. She feels happy when she buys the items and then afterwards she is discontent again, until she goes on her next shopping spree.
After a while she realizes her destructive pattern and when her own parents are willing to sell their beloved RV in order to pay off her debt for her, she finally realizes that things need to change. She ends up having an auction and selling all of her stuff in order to pay back her debt.
A lot of people purchase things for emotional reasons. It might make them feel better for a while just to make that big purchase. Others purchase products in order to make them appear to be successful or happy. I remember watching a TV program about debt a while ago where a woman whose husband had passed away, continuously bought clothing and other items she couldn’t afford for both her and her sons. She thought that by doing so she would be consoled and that she would make it up to her sons for not having a father. She also hoped it would make it appear that everything was okay even though it wasn’t.
Shopping really can’t make anyone happy for the long term. Material things just don’t cut it. Emotional issues need to be dealt with but shopping isn’t the proper therapy. The next time you go on a shopping spree, take the time to consider why you are doing it: Do you really need the stuff you plan to buy or are you just trying to make yourself feel better?
If you’re a big movie fan like I am, you may be spending a lot of money on movies. In order to avoid spending more money that you need to, here are a few recommendations:
1. Be patient! If a movie has just come out that you really want to see, wait until it comes to the “cheap theatre” before watching it. Try to limit the amount of popcorn and other snacks you buy because even the cheap theatres have expensive snacks. If you want to really save money, make it a habit to eat a snack or a meal at home prior to going to the theatre so you aren’t tempted to buy the overpriced items.
2. Matinees are cheaper than evening movies, so you can get a better deal at most theatres by going mid morning or early afternoon. If you have a whole day free, why not go for the matinee?
3. Better yet, rent movies rather than going to the theatre. That way you can watch with a group of friends or family members without each having to pay individually. You can also make your own popcorn and snacks.
Although going to the movie theatre can be fun, especially when a movie you really want to see has just come out, I highly recommend waiting. The movie will still be just as entertaining and you will have saved enough money to watch 3 or 4 movies for the price you would have paid to see one if you were impatient!