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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money When Living On Student Loans

Living on student loans usually means a less than luxurious lifestyle that can be hard to stick to. With that said if you’re in the midst of your online bachelors in business and find it’s hard just to get by money-wise, then you’re going to love these money saving tips we’ve put together for you.

Borrow Textbooks

If your course requires text books, then it’s likely you will be spending a small fortune purchasing them. Whenever possible, look to borrow copies from your local library, or even look for gently used copies that you can buy for a fraction of the cost.

Fast Food is Your Enemy

We all know that students live busy lifestyles, and that usually means a healthy dose of fast food. Here’s an interesting experiment for you to try. Over the course of one or two weeks jot down each time you purchase food or drink and the cost of the item(s). This includes all those random coffees you grab here and there. At the end of the week add up what you’ve spent; you may find yourself a bit shocked how quickly that one dollar here and two dollars there adds up.

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Money Saving Tips

Practical Ways For Students To Save Money

Whether you’re going to school for your bachelors in business, your masters in social work online from a school like Rutgers University, or your degree in education, you’re probably in search of ways to help you save money so that you have more to spend on your school supplies and tuition. Well, there are a few practical ways that you can go about saving money surprisingly easily, and a few of them are listed below.

Cook for Yourself

While it may be convenient and it might save you time, eating at restaurants all the time, or even at your school’s cafeteria, will end up costing you a lot more money than necessary. If you wish to save more cash, purchase your groceries and prepare your meals at home. Your wallet, and your waistline, will thank you.

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Travel & Entertainment

Three Ways To Make Your Thanksgiving More Economical

Thanksgiving is a time of plenty and many people center their celebrations around a traditional holiday meal. With the rising cost of food, you may be wondering how to keep the holiday both festive and affordable. Here are three ways to make sure your Thanksgiving is delicious without breaking the bank.

1. Reduce Waste
Food waste is a common problem year round but it tends to be even more pronounced with holiday meals. With all the snacks, side dishes, and desserts, there is just more food than can be eaten. However, there are some easy ways to reduce food waste. Know how many people you are feeding and plan accordingly with menu and quantity. For example, if no one at your party likes cranberry sauce, don’t serve it. It’s also a good idea to have a plan for leftovers so they get eaten rather than thrown away.

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Three Ways Your Business Can Save Money

As a business owner, you’ll constantly be looking for ways to increase your profit margin. An effective way to do this is by reducing your business expenditure. There are simple ways that you can save money by keeping a close eye on your overheads, which could be unnecessarily eating into your profits. Here are three easy ways where your business can save money.

  1. Go Online

Get rid of your expensive marketing campaigns and go online instead. Traditional marketing techniques such as newspaper adverts, billboards and radio advertising can be incredibly expensive compared to using digital marketing. Use social media, blog posts and your website as marketing tools as buyers look for companies that are easily-accessible. By providing the customer with the option to buy online and read about your products, they can make more informed decisions about their purchases.

Keep everything saved to a cloud rather than filing hard copies. Not only is this more convenient but by encouraging your staff to go paperless, you can save on paper as well as the costs to run a printer – including maintenance, ink and toner.

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The Surprising Household Costs That Can Use Up All Of Your Savings

We all have to deal with them. The dreaded household finances. It seems like most of us have problems keeping any money left over after we’ve paid off all the essentials. But the truth is that your essentials don’t have to be as expensive as you might believe. Below, we’re going to look at three ways to start spending a lot less on ‘upkeep’. Meaning you have a lot more to put towards your savings and financial planning.

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