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money mistakes


You Can Make A lot Of Money And Still Be Poor

It doesn’t seem to matter how much money a person earns, if they don’t work on developing effective money management skills, they can end up bankrupt.  I was reading an article on Yahoo! that talked about seven professional athletes who squandered away their money on all kinds of gadgets and doodads rather than investing it wisely.

Although it may seem like it would be easier to manage your money if you had a lot of it, it’s obvious from reading the article that having more money isn’t the solution.  Instead, what it takes is a disciplined approach; creating a budget, paying yourself first, controlling your spending, and most importantly, not spending more than you earn.  Although people who make a lot of money may not have to be as strict with their spending, they still need to follow the basic principles of effective money management; otherwise they could end up like Scottie Pippen and Lenny Dykstra.

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Marriage & Money Tips

I recently read an article that is worth checking out if you are planning on tying the knot in the near future.  It also would be helpful for newly married couples that are trying to figure out how to deal with their finances.

The article is titled Six Money Mistakes of Newlyweds and the author, Erin Burt, discusses the importance of being honest from the beginning about your financial situation.  You can only hide your credit card debt from your spouse for so long anyway, so it’s better to just be up front from the start. 

The author also emphasizes the need for couples to create a budget, taking into account their current debt as well as their financial goals.  She also suggests setting up a “money date” once a month to keep each other in the loop on how their finances are going. 

Another must do, according to the article, is to make sure to have an emergency fund in place so that couples are prepared in the event that something unexpected happens.  My favorite suggestion found in the article is to not sweat the small stuff.  There’s no point in arguing over small money matters.  It’s important to pick your battles carefully.  For more details, you can find the article posted on