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million dollars


What Would You Do For A Million Dollars?

If you are ever bored and looking for something to do, I find that Google searching a random topic can be quite entertaining.  For instance, the other day I decided to search “weird facts about money” and I thought I would share some of my findings with you.

One article I came across quoted some very bizarre statistics about what people would be willing to do for ten million bucks.  According to the article, most people would be willing to change their race or gender, as well as abandon their family and friends for anything from three million to ten million dollars, but they wouldn’t be willing to do so for a mere two million.

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What Would You Do With One Million Dollars?

I was watching the T.V. show How Winning The Lottery Changed My Life the other day and it was interesting to see how different people responded to their big win.  Some won a million dollars while others won 49 million.  Either way, the winning  changed many people’s lifestyles dramatically, and not all experienced positive changes.

For me, I am quite certain that the money itself wouldn’t necessarily make me happy, however, the fact that I would be able to help a whole lot of people by using this money would be extremely rewarding.

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