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learn for free


Learn A Language For Free With Google Translator

I love free things, and when they are as cool as Google Translator, I must say I get excited.  In the past, whenever I wanted to learn simple phrases in another language, I always felt compelled to buy a book, but now, I just go onto Google Translator and simply type in the phrase I want to learn and then select the desired language.

To get to the tool, use your favourite search engine and type in ‘Google Translator’.  Next, in the left box, type in the word or phrase you are curious about.  Then on the right, use the drop down and select the language you want to learn.

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Learn For Free Using Khan Academy

If you like learning, you will find some amazing free resources on the Internet for pretty much every topic under the sun.  Although there are many great learning websites these days, I want to particularly mention Khan Academy, a not for profit website designed to help you learn without spending money or having to step outside your doorstep.

Khan Academy is a website that has a vast library of material covering a wide range of topics from science to accounting, to all kinds of mathematics.  Just type in the subject you want and it will bring you to the related material you are looking for.  You will find informative videos that are very well put together.  You will almost feel like you are sitting in a classroom.

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