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job hunting


How To Survive Financially After Losing Your Job

how to survive after losing your jobLosing a job can be devastating, but it’s an experience that just about everyone has to go through at some point. Perhaps you were fired for a critical mistake, maybe you were replaced by another ambitious professional, or it’s possible that you’ve simply been laid off as a result of company-wide downsizing. There are a million and one reasons why you may have lost your job, but that’s not important now. The past is over and done, and you need to focus on making progress in the future. Financial survival after job loss should be your first immediate concern.

Begin by taking stock of your finances so that you can figure out where you stand in the world. Calculating your income should be relatively simple at this point. If you have any future pay coming to you, in uncollected checks or severance pay, include those figures in your calculations. Figure out how much money you have in your savings, credit, and assets, and then start looking over your expenses. Prioritize your bill payments and spending to put the most essential expenses first. You may have to make some sacrifices in the near future, but cutting frivolous expenses out of your budget can help greatly in relieving your present financial strain.

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Great Job Hunting Websites

I am in the process of looking for a job and one of the best websites I have come across so far is  The site makes it very easy to search and it’s like a one-stop shop.  Rather than having to go to several individual sites, it incorporates results across several different job sites including,, etc. also has neat advanced search features including the feature that allows you only view new jobs since your last visit.  This function saves me a ton of time as I have so many other things on the go besides job hunting.

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A Job Hunting Tip – Be Careful What You Post on Networking Sites

If you are currently looking for a new job, one thing you will want to be mindful of is social networking sites, and more specifically, what is on yours.  If you use Facebook, Twitter, etc., you will want to make sure that the content is appropriate and that it contains nothing that would make a prospective employer wary of you.

For instance, be sure that your profile does not mention anything about drug or alcohol use.  Do not use foul language, and most certainly do not mention anything negative about your previous employer.

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Job Hunting Tips

If you are currently in the process of looking for a job, you can test how proficient you are at job hunting by taking the quiz called “How Sharp Are Your Job Hunting Skills?”  found under the Career & Business section at this link.

Some job hunting tips to remember from this quiz include:

-Don’t rely exclusively on the Internet when seeking a job.  Many jobs are not advertised and can only be found through networking.  Ask around and proactively make connections.

-It’s okay to negotiate an entry-level salary.   Most employers have some wiggle room in how much they can offer, so don’t be afraid to ask.

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