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investing tips


How To Choose The Best Financial Advisor

If you’re an investor, the search for the right financial advisor takes persistence and a commitment to remaining objective throughout the process.

Starting with the search, as you select advisors that meet your criteria, through to the research phase as you narrow your list down to three or four advisors you want to interview, culminating with the interviews – you can’t let your emotions run the show.

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Why Forex Trading Is A 24 Hour Business

Forex is one of the most widely traded markets in the world. A network of computers make up this market, rather than a physical exchange with a set closing time.

The forex market follows the sun; opening with the start of trading in Japan (Sunday night in the UK) and closing when trading concludes in the US on Friday night (around 10pm GMT). This is why it is possible to trade forex 24 hours a day, five days a week.

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Can You Predict Asset Bubbles?

While most investors will already be aware of asset bubbles – whether through the 1999/2000 Dotcom Bubble, the US Housing Bubble in 2007, or any number of earlier crises – you may be wondering how and if it is possible to spot potential asset bubbles.  While these large economic bubbles are easy to spot in retrospect, they tend to be difficult to pinpoint at the time.  The good news is that potential investors can look out for a series of characteristics to help avoid any potential bubbles.

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Forex Trading Versus Other Money-Making Alternatives

One glance at headlines relating to Forex Trading will tend to show the practise in a favorable light when compared to other potential money making options. Not all articles have an agenda either and among the neutral copy is a piece by the Independent newspaper on how this can be a more lucrative method than equities for example.

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What Is An IRA Investment & How Does It Work?

What is an IRA Investment?

An IRA is short for an Individual Retirement Arrangement, and it is a method of saving for your retirement which is privileged in terms of the taxes which are inherent in it. There are many different types of IRAs, although you would need to ask your local bank for what they offer.

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