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5 Tax Tips For Independent Contractors

tax tips for independent contractorsWorking as an independent contractor is a great way to make a living without answering to a boss, but unfortunately it doesn’t absolve you of your responsibility to pay taxes. Everyone must pay their due, and that includes independent contractors like you. If you’re unsure how to go about filing your taxes as a contractor, or just want to maximize your benefits, read on to learn about the top tax tips for independent contractors everywhere.

Learn About the Filing Process
Independent contractors go through a different filing process from that of standard employees. Rather than incurring automatic tax deductions from your pay and receiving a W-2, as an independent contractor you are expected to make calculated tax payments on a quarterly basis throughout the year. You handle your own taxes, rather than relying on an employer to calculate pay deductions. It may seem like a lot of trouble, but learning this new filing process and sticking to a quarterly payment schedule makes sure that you won’t fall behind.

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