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Do You Have A Bucket List?

Everyone needs to have a bucket list – a list comprised of things you want to accomplish in your life before your time is up.   By writing down all the things you want to see and do, you are much more likely to achieve some if not all of your goals.  Keep your list in a safe place, and every once in a while, glance at it and see how you are doing.  This way you won’t lose track and you will be more motivated to continue on towards achieving your goals.

Some items on your bucket such as owning a cabin at the lake or saving for your children’s post secondary education will involve saving a fair amount of money, while some of your other goals may not be related to your finances.

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Now Is The Time To Pursue Your Goals And Dreams

“You’ll never be as young as you are right now.” These are wise words that my friend used to encourage my husband and I when we were telling her about our dreams of doing some extensive traveling.  As a couple we have always wanted to see more of the world and we like learning about new cultures and ways of life.  Unfortunately we also know that traveling can cost a lot of money, even though we are able to travel on an extremely tight budget.

That being said, my friend is right.  We certainly aren’t getting any younger.  Her statement goes for the pursuit of any goal or dream.  The time to start working towards your goals and dreams is right now.  We don’t know what will happen in the future, but we can make an effort to ensure our passions are not left on the sidelines.  If we are going to do some traveling, it does make the most sense for us to do it now, before we have kids and before we get too comfortable and let the golden handcuffs chain us to our jobs.  Right now we are considering our options and we are on the brink of making some life-altering decisions.

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Pennysaverblog 100 Day Challenge

I’m sure you’ve all made New Years resolutions and hopefully you are sticking with them.  Although it’s not exactly the New Year anymore, I have decided to create the Pennysaver 100 Day Challenge that will run from March 15th until June 23rd.

I am doing this because I know I need to make some changes in my life, and if I write them down and share them with others, then I will be accountable, instead of just allowing myself to cheat.  So, here’s how I will do it.  I will write updates every couple of weeks letting you know how I am doing, and if I have failed in some way I will be sure to let you know.

These are the following things I hope to achieve over the next 100 days:

1.  I will buy only what I need and I won’t buy anything frivolous.  I’m already quite careful with what I buy, but sometimes I splurge on things that are unnecessary.  For the next 100 days, I am determined to only buy necessities.  This means I will need to steer clear of dollar stores because this is where I usually buy useless items.  I will also have to be more careful when grocery shopping and limit myself to only purchase the items on my list.

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