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financial freedom


6 Little Spending Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Financial Freedom

Can’t seem to get ahead financially? Debts piling up? Maybe you’re making some of these mistakes unknowingly. These mistakes listed below will help you understand where you may be going wrong and how to get back on track quickly. You can be debt free.

Mistake 1. Living Beyond Your Means

This is the real cause of your worry and stress. If you are spending more than you are earning, whose money are you spending? It’s the credit card provider’s or the bank’s. The cost of this money is interest.

The way out – Make a Commitment to yourself only to spend within your income limits. Maybe you could increase your income (or cash in) by applying for more skilled positions, selling some of your unused articles or assets. Is the second car really a necessity? What about working out ways to make your hobby pay for itself?

Why not find ways to reduce your spending? How much would you save each year if you decided not to have the daily coffee shop coffee? Why not make your work lunch each day rather than buying it? Commit to only buying the necessities.

Mistake 2. Paying Off Less Than the Full Credit Card Balance Each Month

Get this debt under control and your life will be much easier. If you are like many others and only pay the minimum balance each month, the interest on the interest makes those purchases oh so expensive.

The way out – Find ways to put aside more money to apply to the credit cards. It will take time to reach this goal. However, if you don’t make a start now you may never pay them off. This situation did not occur overnight and neither will the solution. But, by diligence and commitment you’ll get there.

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The One, Essential Trait of Every Self-Made Millionaire

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a specific formula for making millions of dollars? “If you want to become a millionaire, all you have to do is A, B and C.” You know . . . . “Go get a degree in small-business management, talk to Jim at the bank to set you up with a Subway franchise, and invest in Microsoft today because it will skyrocket tomorrow when they report earnings.” Unfortunately, life is just not that gravy. The good news is there are some defining characteristics, habits and belief systems that self-made millionaires share in common. Take this a step further, and I believe almost all self-made millionaires’ financial success boils down to one thing.

Now, I’m not talking about the 0.5% of “self-made” millionaires that hit the lotto or scored big on buying Microsoft at its lowest-low and selling at its highest-high. I mean the people that sacrifice, slave, and sweat their way to become financially free. I’m referring to the people that spent 20-30 years on a strict budget, giving up everything to build successful businesses – all the while living well below their means, and doing it happily at that.

What makes these people not want to spend the money they worked so hard for on a nice car or an extravagant dinner? Why would they choose to read Money magazine and study business over watching the NFL draft? This lifestyle just sounds boring and exhausting. After all, what’s the point then of being filthy rich?

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