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family finance


10 Common Family Budgeting Errors

Are you tired of winging it? You know, just letting your family’s financial chips fall where they may because it seems so much easier than actually thinking about your spending habits? Sadly, you are in the majority; most Americans do not properly budget their expenditures. A proper budget can bring with it a host of positives: less debt, more money for college and retirement, to name but a few. But just having a budget is not enough in and of itself: you must also avoid the common mistakes that budgeting can sometimes lead to.

If you’re ready to take the next step – to really buckle down and track where the money’s going with an eye toward righting your ship for a more secure journey into the future – you’ll want to read this list of ways the budgeting process can go wrong. Then, just do the opposite!

  1. Not Using Family Budgeting to Help Pay Off Debts

It’s great that you’ve decided to start budgeting and it’s even better that you’re sticking to it. You’ve discovered that getting a handle on your spending has freed up additional money every month. Now is the time to go the final step in the process by using those new-found resources to pay down whatever debts you may have. Think of it this way: you’ve stopped the bleeding, now it’s time to heal the wound. If you’ve only been paying the minimums on your credit cards, start throwing more money at them. If you’ve got a high-interest rate, long-term loan on your car, start paying more than what is required in order to shorten the loan and lessen your interest burden. Failing to pay down debt as part of your new budget is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

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Turn Your Finances Around In Just Six Months

Money isn’t the most important thing in the world. When facing tough times, though, it can be hard to think about anything else. If you’re currently in this situation, escaping the mire should be your number one priority.

Unfortunately, unless you win the lottery, this isn’t an overnight task. It will take a lot of hard work and endeavour, but you can turn your fortunes around. Follow the tips below, and you should notice an upturn in events within the space of just six months.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly it flies by.

Be Organised

If you are serious about turning your fortunes around, then it’s imperative that you get organised. Not only will it help you prioritise things, but it should stop you from incurring late payment charges and other hefty fines.

Seriously, there’s nothing worse than paying extra money due to your own negligence. Quite frankly, reducing these problems is the first step to taking a more mature approach to finance. Do not forget it.

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What You Should Tell Your Kids About Family Finances

family finance tipsEveryone has their opinion on what you should and shouldn’t share with your children about your family’s financial situation.  Some say you should be really honest and if your family is struggling financially, then the kids should be made aware of it.  Others say that you shouldn’t tell your kids anything at all as it’s not their problem.

I would venture to say that neither approach is healthy.  If a child is in a family that is currently experiencing financial difficulties, it’s a good idea for them to be kept in the loop to a certain degree, but certainly not to the extent that they feel burdened and pressured to find a job to help support the family.

I can say this from experience.  When I was growing up, my mother was a single parent for most of my formative years.  We lived on an extremely tight budget, and while I was aware that things were tight, I was never led to believe that we were going to go hungry or become homeless.  My mother never told me that we were in trouble, even if we might have been.

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Financial Steps To Consider Before Marriage

Music lyrists would have us believe that ‘even though we ain’t got money, I’m so in love with you honey’ is enough to guarantee a fairy tale future. And while it’s also true that money can’t buy love, it sure can ease the finances in a relationship. But for most us, financial struggles are an accepted way of life.

Marriage doesn’t only join lives, but bank accounts and debt, as well as to bring people together that may have different views on finance and money management. So before you pop the question to commit to a lifetime together, there are questions that need to be answered and issues that need to be addressed. Here are some things you should do before saying “I do” to prevent financial disasters after marriage.

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