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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money Doing Computer Cleanups

Did you know that you can make money doing computer cleanups? This is a very lucrative business because the majority of people who own computers don’t know much about them, and most do not know how to do a cleanup correctly. A lot of computer owners think that their computer cleans itself, but, unfortunately, that is just not the case.

The best way to make money doing small computer cleanups is to start off with basic software that cleans the computer and then runs the already installed Windows software. Usually, this will take you about an hour to do and in that time you can easily make $50. This is not very hard work either; all you need to do is find the clients that you will do this for.

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Earn Extra Money

Ways To Make Money As A Travel Writer

Did you know that you can make money by actually traveling around the world? With all the technology out there, you are able to go from place to place, get paid for your time, and get free vacations. This is something that you won’t get if you had to work at a regular 9-5 day job. It is because of this that I highly recommend this to people who like to travel and want free vacations.

So, how do you go about making money as a travel writer? Well, there are a couple of ways that you can do this but for most people they like to get paid prior to traveling. If that is how you want to proceed, then that is fine but you will have to find somebody that is willing to pay for your vacation and that is the tough part. What you will see below are some of the best ways to make money as a travel writer.

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Earn Extra Money

Ways To Profit From Website Flipping

If you don’t know how much you can make just by flipping websites, then you are in for a nice surprise. A lot of people look at websites as their way to make some extra money each month and you should too. What you need to understand is that there are multiple ways to make money from a website; You can hold them and earn money from advertising, you can promote a website for clients, and you can flip websites for fast cash. Of the three options mentioned I highly recommend flipping websites as flipping doesn’t take very long.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Extra Money On Craigslist

What is Craigslist?

By now you have probably heard of Craigslist, right? Craigslist is a website which caters to the entire world. The best part about Craigslist is that you can sell anything you want and it doesn’t cost you a cent. Think about it, where else can you do this very same thing?

How can I make money using Craigslist?

Now, if you want to make extra money on Craigslist, then it is imperative that you find a few items around your home to list. What you should do is list items for less than what you think they are worth. By doing this you can get people to buy your items just for the sake of it as opposed to waiting around until somebody actually needs what you have to offer. What I highly recommend is that you stay away from electronics as they are difficult to sell and usually are a big hassle to deal with.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money By Peer To Peer Lending

What is peer to peer lending?

Have you ever heard of peer to peer lending? Peer to peer lending is where you lend money to another person. The benefit of doing this is that you will get the interest payment sent to you as opposed to simply putting your money in the bank. Think about it, if you make a lousy .5% by saving money at the bank and you can make 6-9% by lending money to other people, which one would you choose? My guess is that you would rather make the 6-9% and that is why you need to participate in peer to peer lending.

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