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Earn Extra Money

Tips For Making Money Writing Kindle Ebooks

write an ebook and make extra moneyHave you ever read an ebook? If so, then you know just how simple they are, right? It is because of this that you should be writing a kindle ebook. The nice thing about ebooks is that you write them once and they will continue to pay you for the rest of your life.

Think about it – where else can you do something once and make money off of its sales for years to come? My guess is nowhere else, right?

With that said, let’s get started on some of the tips that I have for you when it comes to making money writing Kindle ebooks.

Tips To Making Money With Kindle Ebooks

Research The Category – When I say research your category I am talking about the category that you plan on publishing your book under. The reason you do this is because you don’t want to write an ebook in a category that you know you will have a difficult time getting up in the search results. Just know that you won’t find a category that has no competition, however, you can find one with very little competition.

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Earn Extra Money

Easy Non Business Ways To Make Money Online

ways to make money onlineAre you looking for easy ways to make money online? Not everyone wants to start a business to make a few bucks on the Internet, and luckily, you don’t have to! There are plenty of ways to earn some extra money for gifts, for a vacation or to help pay the bills without going the business route. Here are a few to get you started.

Selling Crafts

Do you enjoy doing crafty things like making wreaths, sewing, designing graphics or crocheting? There’s a big market online for homemade crafts! People are looking for unique, one of a kind items that you just can’t find in stores. If you’re the creative type, consider selling some of your crafts on sites like Etsy or just offer them up for sale to your Facebook friends.

Completing Surveys

As a woman, you have plenty of opinions, so why not get paid for them? Several survey sites will pay you anywhere from $1 – $10 or more just for completing their surveys. Some take a few minutes while the higher paying surveys could take an hour or more. They’re very easy, though. The surveys typically ask about your purchasing habits, use of loans and the habits of the people in your household. It’s a great way to make money while helping companies improve their products and services.

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Earn Extra Money

5 Tips on Creating A Passive Income

tips for creating passive incomeHave you ever wanted to create a passive income for yourself? You know, the kind of income where once you do the work to get it going, you can sit back and watch the money flow in.  Authors of books enjoy passive income.   Once they go through the grueling task of writing a great book and finding a publisher, they can finally reap the rewards year after year, but they only have to write the book once.

Other examples of a passive income include making money from YouTube views, commissions from affiliate marketing  on your website or blog, and even E-book sales. All of these are great passive income sources and can create so much money for you that you don’t have to work as hard in the future. Think about it, how much would a passive income help you out?

In order to give you a little help I have created 5 tips to get you on your way. These 5 tips will help you create a passive income that you can leave alone and still make money off of.

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Earn Extra Money

How Renting A Meeting Room Can Help You Make Money

rent a meeting room to make moneySometimes it is better to rent a meeting room rather than to try to do a special event or important presentation in your own office or home.  A great way to find meeting rooms for hire is to search online on websites such as

Renting a meeting room can be used to help you to make money as well.  Below are just a few ways to use your entrepreneurial creativity and put that rented meeting room to good use:

Use it for tutoring/teaching.  Tutoring is a great way to make extra money during college.  Meet with your students in a room that you rent.  Renting a room is especially useful if you tutor a group rather than one individual.  It can be difficult to find a quiet and private place at college, and you often can’t use the library as their rooms are often booked and you can’t speak loudly in other parts of the library.  Renting a room becomes a great option.  Also, renting a room works great for teaching classes and doing workshops and seminars.

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Earn Extra Money

Great Side Business Options For Struggling College Students

ways to make extra money as a studentAs a college student, it can be tough to balance school and work so that you aren’t left eating 99 cent containers of noodles every night for dinner. Between all the studying, homework, and exams, there seems like there isn’t much room for a job, let alone a side business. Yet, running a side business during college is a great way to make money without really having to clock in anywhere, flip burgers or strap on an apron. Many of the following side business ideas require very little set up and time, so that you can start making money, because in college you should be working smart and not too hard in order to maximize your potential.

Here are some great side business options for struggling college students:

Start a website or blog that people want to read or visit and have affiliate links or banner ads for products people want to buy. There are many businesses that have affiliate programs so that you can put their link on your website and receive a commission of each item that sells. You can make a website that helps out students, like a local restaurant guide or a list of the best places to study, and put banners at the top or the side of pages to products that other college students might want to purchase.

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