Donating to a good cause gives immense satisfaction but this is often a dilemma for many people. You may genuinely want to help but your finances may not be a in a great state to support the cause. Tight budgets usually stand in the way, with monthly expenses such as groceries, rent, medical bills, and car payments eating up most of your income. Still, you can find a way if you are serious about making a difference. Here are some useful pieces of advice for people who want to start donating despite their shoestring budgets.
After reading Under the Overpass
I will never look at a homeless person the same way again. Although in the past I had volunteered in a place where I rubbed shoulders with homeless people, I could never really fully imagine what it might be like to be homeless. But once I read this book, I was able to get a secondhand glimpse of what it is like to be homeless. Their life is far from easy, and it’s good to know that there are ways we can help them out.
Under The Overpass is about two young men in the United States who decided to live as homeless people for 5 months in 6 different cities across the U.S. They came from upper middle class families and decided to discover for themselves what it truly is like to be homeless. As a result of their experience, they developed a new appreciation for the hardships these folks experience. You will too, if you read this book.