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Holiday Expenses Can Be Expensive

With the December holidays almost upon us, many people will find themselves under financial strain as they struggle to afford all the extra costs that seem to mount up at this time of year. Could a short-term loan be the right solution for you?

Even if you’ve paced your spending and purchased some of your gifts ahead of time, there never seems to be quite enough. Maybe you have extra gifts to get for unexpected visitors; or maybe you splurged a little too much early on and now find that the last few presents are straining your finances. Food and drink can also be a major expense, especially if you’re hosting the festivities this year. If you’re travelling or helping your loved ones to get home for the holidays, this can also create extra costs – especially if air travel or a long distance trip is involved.

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5 Reasons To Consider Creditor Insurance

If you have a mortgage, loan, line of credit, or a credit card, it may be in your best interest to accept the creditor life and disability insurance that goes along with it.  Although it will cost you extra money out of pocket, it may just be worth your while.  Although I had never expected to be unable to work, it actually happened to me recently.  I got unexpectedly ill and was unable to work for a few months.  From my experience I realized that this could happen to anyone, so it’s important to be prepared in the event that the unexpected could happen to you as well.  Below are a few reasons why you may want to consider buying creditor insurance the next time to want to get a loan or mortgage.

1. It can give you peace of mind.  If something were to happen that drastically changed your ability to earn income, you want to know that you and your family would be protected.  Without insurance, you would still be expected to make payments to your credit products.  But, with insurance, you would know that it would be paid of in full in the event of your death and that your disability insurance would kick in if you were unable to work due to an accident or injury.

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Credit Cards

The Benefits And Dangers Of A Student Credit Card

The Pros And Cons Of A Student Credit Card

There are plenty of ways that a student could benefit from obtaining a student credit card. It is a great way to begin learning how to properly budget your finances to avoid debt. At the same time, debt may be the very reason a student would want to avoid a credit card. It is known that many credit card companies wish to provide cards to student with the understanding that they would use it irresponsibly. That may not sound beneficial for the credit card company, but the truth is that a card user in debt is worth more to the credit card company than someone who pays their monthly amount without hesitation. The credit industry is very different than it once was.

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Pros And Cons Of Payday Loans

Keeping a budget can be a challenging thing for a lot of people, especially when expenses pop up that you didn’t expect, such as a blown tire, a medical expense, or a new PC to replace your crashed computer. Some expenses just can’t wait, and for those who don’t have credit cards or don’t want to use them, payday loans may be the answer.

There are many different companies that provide payday loans. These lenders look at what your typical paychecks provide and lend you enough money to make sure you can make it through until payday, while assuring you’ll have enough money in your check to pay them back. They are the ultimate short term loan, a version of asking your mom, brother, or buddy to spot you till you get your check– only without the personal connection and most likely with more interest. This can be good or bad. Here are some pros and cons of payday loans.

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Tips For Saving Money On Your Mortgage

Improve your Credit Score

Did you know that you can actually save money on your mortgage? Most people don’t realize this, however, it is true. The best way to save money on your mortgage is to first increase your credit score and improve your lending history. By doing this you will show the mortgage lender that you are a reputable borrower and that their money is safe with you. Now, that is the obvious answer as to how to save money, but there are a couple more ways.

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