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baking soda


20 Interesting Ways to Use Baking Soda

There are so many neat ways to use baking soda. Although there are other products specifically designed for each of these functions, baking soda is a natural and inexpensive alternative.  Try some of these out to see how they work for you.

 1. Put an open box of baking soda in your fridge and freezer to absorb odors.    uses for baking soda

 2. Use baking soda in your cat litter to eliminate odor.

 3.  Put soda in the wash water if you have clothes stained with oil or grease.

 4.  Soda can be used to put out fires so some people keep a box of soda near their stove, in their garage, etc.

 5.  Use soda to clean vegetables and fruit. 

 6. Helps remove burned on food from frying pans – soak the pan in water and baking soda for a few minutes and then the food will come off more easily.

 7.  Use soda to clean your coffeemaker and dishwasher by running a cycle with soda.   

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