Last year my husband and I went on a 10,000 km road trip and had a blast. We went for two weeks and our budget was $2000. We were able to stay within our budget despite the outrageous gas prices, and we had a great time.
Here are some things we did to save money while traveling:
1.We ate our own food. For the most part we ate food purchased from grocery stores along the way. We brought along a cooler and a Coleman cooking stove so we could cook our own food. We did eat a few meals in restaurants but usually we did so only when we were visiting friends. We ate a lot of cold cuts and buns, eggs, and various veggies and fruits. We brought along some granola bars as well so we wouldn’t be tempted to stop at convenience stores for snacks.
2. We camped instead of staying in hotels. We brought along our tent and camped along the way. For a few nights we stayed with friends at their homes. We also slept in our car for two nights. I wouldn’t recommend sleeping in your vehicle every night, but if you just do it once or twice it is okay.
3. We maintained our car. Before we left, my husband gave our car a tune up. He changed the oil, made sure the air filter was clean, and checked the tire pressure. Throughout our trip he checked the oil and tire pressure. Thankfully we had no car trouble and our car was extremely fuel- efficient! Taking care of your car really does pay off.
4. We used a GPS system rather than relying on maps to get around. This saved us both money and time. We didn’t have to stress over where we were or how to get to the next destination. The GPS
also provided us with the most direct route to our destinations so we weren’t wasting fuel going in the wrong direction! I highly recommend using GPS
if you are going somewhere unfamiliar.
5. Our entertainment was enjoying nature. Along the way, we often stopped at curious sightseeing spots such as canyons, small waterfalls, etc. We didn’t have to spend a lot of money on entertainment as we were so enthralled by just being able to see such beauty all around us. We visited friends along the way and had a great time catching up. Except for a few tourist attractions, most of our entertainment was free!