If you’re in the market for a new car, it’s important to look at cargo space, engine power, and technological features. Yet you’ll also probably have a certain budget in mind. Instead of just looking at the initial sticker price of the car, you’ll need to think about other expenses that go into owning and maintaining it to get the best value for your money.
Compare Used vs. New
Although there’s nothing quite as satisfying as buying the brand new model of your favourite car, you can get a great deal by purchasing the same model slightly used. Cars start to depreciate sharply as soon as they are driven off of the new car lot, meaning that you could save thousands of dollars on a slightly used model. If you choose to buy a new car, be sure to think about the eventual resale value. Taking your car in for regular tune-ups will keep its value high, as will choosing a premium brand over budget models. Colours like blue, red, and black are the best options for resale in comparison to trendier shades that will date your vehicle.