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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

How To Save Ten Thousand Dollars For A Home Down Payment In One Year

What’s the most difficult part of buying a house? If you ask most people, probably the deposit. The deposit is the big chunk of cash that you have to save up to convince the bank that you’re really serious about buying a house and that you’re willing to risk your own money in the process.

The good news is that the housing market has rebounded sharply in the last few years, thanks to the improving job situation as well as the growth in the global economy. But for people wanting to buy a house, this has meant rising deposits. Currently, the average home price is standing at around $200,000, perhaps a touch over. With most mortgage brokers asking for a 5 percent deposit, that means that families have to pay out around $10,000 to secure their new house and a mortgage. For many families, that’s a lot of money to have to save up, especially those on modest incomes.

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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips For Home Buyers

You already know this, but buying a home is indeed one of the biggest financial commitment most of us will ever make. With rents on the rise faster than our incomes, many are looking to enter the buyer’s market.  Regardless of where you are looking to buy, the tips below will help you achieve your home ownership goals.

Start by securing your mortgage first. Finding a dream home before you secure pre-approval for a mortgage can be a costly mistake. Seek and choose a lender at least three months before starting your house hunting. This will give you enough time to pay down debt as well as improve your credit score, which qualifies you for a better loan.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Reduce Your Spending in 2017

Many of us struggle when it comes to the end of the month. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to assess what’s going on with your finances, and identify ways you could make savings in the months to come. If you search online for saving tips, you’ll find hundreds of suggestions, but how many are actually relevant or effective? Here are some measures you can try that will actually help you reduce spending in 2017.

Shop around for the best energy deals

Have you been with the same energy provider for years? If so, you could be missing out on incentives for new clients and low electricity rates. You may think that you’re getting the best prices in reward for your loyalty to a company. But often, it doesn’t work like that, and the best offers are reserved for new customers. If you’re shopping around, you’ll find that providers compete for your custom, giving you access to preferential tariffs and introductory deals. It takes a few minutes to compare prices online. It’s also worth giving your current provider a call and mentioning that you’re thinking of moving to another firm.

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Money Saving Tips

How An Accountant Can Help You Save Money

Many people choose to do their own taxes as a way to save money. The catch here is that, in many cases, this will actually cost you money. Using an accountant and getting the benefits that come with knowledge and training, can save you money through allowing you to make the most out of deductions and other tax benefits. Doing your own taxes may seem like a good idea, but before you make the decision, take a look at the money saving benefits an accountant can offer you.

Accountants Offer a Human Touch

While those tax software programs have been carefully designed and created to offer you an interactive experience, they are missing that human touch. They may not be able to pick up on issues as easily or spot potential savings. An accountant will talk with you, get familiar with your situation, and be able to relate to you on a personal level. These are all things the computer program can’t do. This gives the accountant an edge, allowing him or her the ability to read between the lines and find you tax breaks, deductions and other savings a piece of software wouldn’t even be aware of.

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Money Saving Tips

Simple Ways To Save On Your Next Degree

Whether you’re pursuing your bachelor’s degree or you’re going back to school for a master’s, a university course can be quite expensive. The available programs cost anywhere from $10,000 to over $100,000 from start to finish. Worry not, because there are ways to save on your next degree. We are going to cover some of the simpler ones in this article.

Stick to Local Universities

The majority of your expenses as a student is actually not tuition fees; it is the cost of moving and living near the university for the duration of the course. You can easily save a lot of money by finding a suitable program near where you live. Eliminating moving costs alone can help you save thousands on the degree.

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