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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

Save Money On Car Repairs – Buy Used Parts

The downfall of new auto parts is that they don’t stay new forever.

If you work on, or even routinely maintain automobiles, it’s inevitable that you’ll need to replace a part. You have a few choices as far as this goes. You could order a part through a dealer for an arm and a leg. You could go with a new aftermarket part for almost as much, or you could buy used auto parts for a decent price.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Simple Ways To Save Money In College

College is a new world. For most people, their parents pay for the things they need until (and often even after) they leave home for college. But once you’re out on your own, you can’t just ask mom or dad for a few bucks to grab lunch or to take a girl on a date.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Spend Less As A Student

When you’re a student, there are so many different directions that your life could go in, so much so that sometimes it could only be one tiny decision that you make in the heat of the moment, and that could completely change the path that you’re heading down. A lot of the time, being a student is divided into two categories. The first being the people that know exactly what they want to do, who they want to be, and how to get there. And the others that aren’t so sure at all, so they wander around in the hopes that they’ll have a eureka moment and everything will fit into place.

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Money Saving Tips

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Pet Ownership

Caring for a pet comes with its costs and that is something you should always bear in mind when you decide to have an animal friend brought into the family. But does pet care and ownership have to be as expensive as you hear other people saying?

Here are some things you can do to keep your pet’s maintenance down to reasonable costs:

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Money Saving Tips

3 Ways To Improve Your Ability To Save Money

Saving is something that most people aspire to do but find it difficult to achieve. However, as with most things in life, the best way is to devise a plan and find ways to ensure that you stick to it. When devising a plan, you want to clearly define your goals and then include practical steps regarding how you’re going to execute your plan. If you happen to be an impulsive spender, then this also means that you’re going to have to embrace a level of frugal living. As you likely already know, saving is key as it’s a necessity for rainy days, to improve your quality of living, and for the future. This article is going to help you get closer to your goals by giving you a few ideas for increasing your savings.

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