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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

Ways To Reduce The Cost Of High Risk Driver Insurance

Securing your life is more essential than anything else. Accidents are unfortunate mishaps in life. Therefore, insurance is a must to wipe out the worries regarding accidents. It is better to stay prepared for such incidents than to cry out for this in the future. Getting insurance is an easy job to do. You just have to go through some research to get the best quote. But, it becomes difficult to purchase high risk driver insurance because these are comparatively more expensive than the normal insurance.

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Money Saving Tips

How We Save Money On Gas When We Travel

If you have been following my blog for a while, you have probably realized that lately there are a lot of posts about traveling.  As we continue on our U.S./Canada road trip, I jot down various thoughts to share about things we have been learning through our travel experience.

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Money Saving Tips

A Cheap Cell Phone To Use In The United States

My husband and I are currently traveling to various national parks throughout parts of the United States.  As Canadians, we didn’t have a cell phone that would work in the U.S.  So, after doing some research online, my husband discovered that you can buy a cell phone at Best Buy in the U.S. that is incredibly cheap.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Cut Back On Insurance The Right Way

In tough times the first thing people think about is reducing bills that they currently have. One of the first things they cut back on is insurance. Here is how to cut back on insurance without suffering in the long run. Since everyone’s situation is different, their insurance quotes will be different. Even the slightest difference in information could cause your insurance to go up or down. Be specific when getting an insurance quote, small specifics could save you a large amount of money in the long run.

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Money Saving Tips

Bringing To Light Some Of The Top Money Wasters

I recently received an email from a reader with a link to an excellent graphic she created about big money wasters.  Although the data is based on how Australians spend (and waste) their money, it is safe to say that Canadians and Americans also waste their money on the same things.   Some of the numbers may be really surprising, and by sharing this information, hopefully it will help us all to make more informed decisions and lower our wasteful spending.

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