We lucked out when we found a Travel Park that actually allowed for tent camping. We were traveling through southern California and we needed some R & R. We found a place in Bakersfield that allowed us to not only pitch our tent but we only had to pay $15!
Money Saving Tips
Open up your hand and take a close look at the gadget you are holding. In your hand lies more processing power than the largest IBM commercial computer in 1960. That computer took up more space than the average 1500 sq. ft. home. Not only could it not do a tenth of the sophisticated things modern cell phones do, current technology can do it a billion times faster and have up to a million times more memory available.
When you attempt to save money by eating out less, bringing your own coffee to work, etc. make sure that you are putting that money you are savings towards something that will accomplish long term results for you. For example, if you cut out your daily Starbucks run and end up saving $120 per month, direct that $120 each month into your retirement savings account or pop it onto your mortgage payment. By doing so you will be enjoying the effects of compound interest in your retirement account or you will be greatly reducing your interest costs on your mortgage resulting in paying off your house much more quickly. By making your savings work harder for you, you will greatly impact your financial future.
Many people decide that they are going to start saving, but rather than figuring out how much to save, they simply set up automatic contributions to their Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) for random amounts, often overestimating how much they can afford to save. This can create some negative consequences.