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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

How The iPad Can Keep You On Track Financially

Just as there are many types of money management apps for other technological gadgets, the iPad also offers a wide variety of apps that can help you stay on top of your finances.

I recently received an email from one of my readers who shared with me a link to a great article that lists ten iPad apps to help you manage your money.  Apps listed include Mint.com, Pageonce, Ace Budget, and many others.  Some of these apps will aid you in creating and sticking to a budget.  Others help you to locate the closest ATM machine if you need some cash.  Another handy one helps you keep track of your bills so that you never pay late fees again.

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Money Saving Tips

Unplug Your Appliances And Save Money

Apparently even when your appliances are turned off, many of them are continuously drawing power and costing you money.  Home electronics, in particular, are supposed to be big energy wasters.  By getting into the habit of unplugging electronics and other appliances when you are not using them, you can benefit by saving big on your electricity bill.

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Money Saving Tips

Camping At Walmart Can Save You Money

Recently my husband and I decided to take a trip to Destin, Florida in order to enjoy one last glimpse of summer sun before the winter drudge kicked in.  Driving from St. Louis, Missouri to Destin, Florida takes about fourteen hours and costs around $200 in gas money. A flight to Destin would cost over $300 for each person and include several layovers. Taking the car seemed like a much more affordable option than flying, but I was worried about driving non-stop through several states.

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