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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

Save Money By Reassessing Your Daily Commute

Unless we are unemployed, self-employed, or choose to telecommute, most of us have a physical commute that we undergo daily as we move from our homes, to our place of work, and then back to our homes again. As online calculator can show, the trip back and forth every day can be a costly one – especially if you drive a car. While there are certainly many factors to take into account, a person who commutes 10 miles to work and drives a car with average gas mileage can expect to pay over $200 per month on commute-related costs. This includes primary expenses (gas) as well as more peripheral ones (car maintenance). It does not include the cost of a parking pass at your place of work.

On its own, therefore, your commute can be similar to the cost of a home loan in the long run. For most people, this is simply an accepted fact of life; you need to commute in order to receive your paycheck, after all, and most Americans do not have easy access to mass transit.

That being said, if you’re looking to cut costs and you have the ability to explore other modes of transit, you may want to consider forsaking the car for a more budget-friendly (and environmentally-friendly) means of travel. Here are your options, broken down by cost:

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money On Winter Expenses

With the days getting shorter and Christmas right around the corner, there’s no denying that the winter season is close at hand. If you live in the South, this may just mean some damp weather, an occasional jacket, and a greater number of cloudy, gloomy days. But for those of us in the North, winter means snow, cold, and ice – and the expenses that go along with such weather-related extremes.

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Money Saving Tips

Lottery Windfall Could Make 78 Percent Of Canadians More Charitable

Canadians are generous with more than 88 percent saying they already donate money to charity and 78 percent saying they would likely donate some if they received an unexpected windfall, according to a recent survey by Leger Marketing for H&R Block Canada.

In addition, the majority of Canadians (63% percent) also think they should be able to claim non-money donations on their tax returns. This would include donations of personal property and volunteer hours.

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Money Saving Tips

How Are You Using Your Emergency Fund?

We’ve all heard about the importance of having an emergency fund and many Canadians have them nowadays, however, it appears that many Canadians aren’t using them for their intended purpose.  Rather than setting aside the funds for true emergencies, many folks are using these funds for day-to-day expenses and completely defeating the purpose altogether.

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Money Saving Tips

How The iPad Can Keep You On Track Financially

Just as there are many types of money management apps for other technological gadgets, the iPad also offers a wide variety of apps that can help you stay on top of your finances.

I recently received an email from one of my readers who shared with me a link to a great article that lists ten iPad apps to help you manage your money.  Apps listed include, Pageonce, Ace Budget, and many others.  Some of these apps will aid you in creating and sticking to a budget.  Others help you to locate the closest ATM machine if you need some cash.  Another handy one helps you keep track of your bills so that you never pay late fees again.

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