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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

5 Ways Expats Can Maximize Their Savings

Living as a foreigner can be daunting at times.  You face culture shock and you become exposed to all sorts of things that differ from your home country.  You will be sure to find some of what you experience to be fascinating, while other things may horrify you.

Depending on where you live, you may face greater living expenses and miscellaneous expenses than you first anticipated.  Below are five tips you can follow to help you maximize your savings while living as an expat.

1.  Plan ahead.  Before heading out to live in a foreign country, make sure that you have adequate money set aside in the event of an emergency or in the event that unexpected expenses arise.  I recommend setting up a bank account that you can access from your destination country. Use an international bank for instance, as international banks offer many perks over domestic banks.

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Money Saving Tips

Four Tips To Save More Money

Do you find it difficult to save money? Is it because there is always something that has to be paid or because you have a difficult time holding onto your money? Both are common reasons, however, the majority of people find it difficult to save because they blow through their money. If this is the case, then the following tips will greatly help you out.

Create A Budget – Not only should you create a budget, stick with it. A budget should include everything from your income to your bills as well as other scheduled expenses. These expenses should include eating out, entertainment, gas for your automobile and even shopping. By creating a budget you will see where your money goes and by doing this you can figure out where you can cut back and save.

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Money Saving Tips

Make Your Own Granola

It is important that you eat a healthy breakfast so you have enough energy to get through your day.  I have recently gotten into the habit of eating granola for breakfast.  I started buying it ready made at the store and found that it is too expensive, so I decided to make my own.  I went to my favorite recipe website called, and found a really great recipe called Megan’s Granola.  I tweaked it a little and here are the ingredients and directions in case you would like to make it too.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money By Recycling

Recycling has become not just important, but necessary in our time. This is true not only with regard to protecting the environment, but also to ease the economy.  There are many ways in which buyers can save money by recycling. Below are a number of ways to shop economically through recycling.

Exchange Old Goods 

Exchanging old goods not only reduces the load rising in landfills, but also offers a means for old items to be used again, even in new ways. This trade-in practice involves materials, including clothes and blankets, as well as many other items, such as cardboard, wood, metals, glass, plastic and paper. Recycling centers in every area offer payback for an exchange of certain materials. Metal and plastic are common, such as milk jugs and coffee or soup cans. Some computer or appliance stores offer discounts to consumers who trade in old equipment. This effort minimizes the accumulation of garbage and cuts down on new purchases that are already expensive and continue to rise in cost.

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Money Saving Tips

2 Cheap And Easy Summer Treats

There are lots of neat things you can do to make this summer special and here are a couple of ideas that will refresh you and tempt your taste buds this summer:

Homemade Iced Cappuccinos.

Sure, a Tim Horton’s  iced cappuccino doesn’t cost a lot, but I recently started making homemade iced caps and they taste great. They’re cheap and easy to make, they just take seconds.

To make enough for two, all you need is to blend the following:

½ cup of French vanilla cappuccino mix – it’s best to buy it bulk as it’s the cheapest that way

¾ cup of milk

2 cups of ice cubes

Just blend well and enjoy!

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