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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

5 Ways To Conserve Energy And Save Money At Home

ways to go green and save moneyEven if you’re not necessarily interested in the plight of the environment, being naturally more concerned with your current personal problems, you are likely looking for a few good ways to lower your utility bills. And if you’re a card-carrying tree-hugger who wants to conserve and preserve, then the monetary savings associated with your efforts are no doubt the icing on the organic cake. But if you’re new to the concepts and practices of environmentalism, you might not even realize that you could be saving money even as you reduce your carbon footprint. And you probably don’t have the first idea of how to get started when it comes to planning and implementing conservation efforts on the home front. So if you’d like to save some money on your energy bill while simultaneously doing the environment a favor, here are just a few great ways to achieve both ends.

Energy-star solutions. You’re not the first person seeking products that help you to use less energy at home. And since most people are looking to save in the process, shelling out thousands of dollars for solar panels is out of the question. Luckily, you can find all kinds of options on You might think that appliances are their only offerings, but they also have solutions for lighting, windows and doors, HVAC systems, water heaters, computers, electronics, and more. The energy-star website can clue you in to all kinds of energy-saving options, and raising awareness is the first step towards a greener tomorrow.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Save Money On A Wedding Photographer

how to save money on wedding photographyAre you in the middle of planning for your wedding day? If so, then you are probably up to your eyeballs in bridal magazines, invoices from venues, florists and caterers and phone calls from the bridal party about their outfits and accessories. Therefore, we totally get it if you are just now getting around to figuring out how to find a professional photographer that will not break your budget.

If it seems like an impossible task, it’s not. As a matter of fact, we have five tips that will not only assist you in getting the wedding photographer of your dreams, but one that you can afford as well.

Ask around. The great thing about knowing married people is that they’ve already been where you are, especially when it comes to wedding planning. If you know a few newlyweds or you’ve looked through some couple’s wedding books and their pictures really stood out to you, don’t hesitate to ask them for some referrals. They can probably connect you with some people who are both good and inexpensive.

Get a package deal. As you were doing some research on honeymoons, you probably noticed that all-inclusive vacation packages can save you quite a bit of money. The same is true when it comes to getting a photographer. If you opt to purchase a package that comes with both a photographer as well as a videographer, you can usually get a really great discount rate. Oh, and if you find ones who do contract work rather than are employed through a commercial company, you can save just that much more.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Factors That Affect Your Auto Insurance Rates

how to save on auto insuranceThere’s no getting around the fact that owning a car is a pricy affair. In addition to loan payments, you’ll find yourself paying for extras like gas, parking, and maintenance, not to mention essentials like registration and insurance. And if you’re not careful, the cost of your insurance policy could end up being sky high. In case you didn’t know, your rates are based on a number of factors that could change over time. When you’re aware of what can cause such fluctuations you may be able to keeps your rates low. But if you fail to account for the factors that affect your insurance, then you could end up paying a lot more than normal. Here are just a few things that could alter the cost of your auto insurance and how you can try to keep them from hiking your rates.

Safe driving. In truth, most people realize that driving safely is a key component of keeping their insurance rates low. By following the rules of the road and exercising caution you can avoid accidents that might damage you, your car, and your passengers, as well as other drivers, vehicles, and property. You may speed when you’re in a hurry, weave through traffic, tailgate slow drivers, and rubberneck, but all of these practices could end up in accidents and rate hikes. So practice safe driving, avoid accidents and moving violations, don’t drink and drive, and consider getting a policy that rewards you for safety on the road.

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Money Saving Tips

How To Handle Financial Stress In College

how to lower your financial stress as a college studentWhen you’re getting ready to begin your college career, there is an awful lot of change and transition that’s happening in your life. Even if you’re not going to a four-year college, the transition to your higher education can be a serious shift away from what you knew in high school and the years that came before it. Your elementary school and middle school experience was probably somewhat similar to your high school experience. The two are never very different, but your college experience is something entirely different. When you’re in college, you’re responsible for a lot more of the administrative details of your schooling. You’ve got to do things like pick your own classes and set your own schedule — and you’ve got to make sure that you’re taking classes which will fulfill both your general education requirements and the requirements set forth by your specific major. There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with being a college student, and it can definitely start to get a little overwhelming.

Another thing that comes with being a college student for the first time is freedom. You get a lot more autonomy than you’ve ever experienced when you graduate high school and get started with college. A lot of students are surprised at the levels of freedom that they experience, and it can be easy to spend yourself into a financial bind when you’re out on your own in college for the first time. Even if you’re not paying for your own education, college can be a time of serious financial stress. Some of the strategies that can help you deal with this kind of stress, however, are perhaps a lot more simple than you might have imagined.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Ways To Save Money On Supplies For Home Remodeling

how to save money on home renovation suppliesMany homeowners get to the point where they are excited to remodel their homes in a big way. When this is the point at which you find yourself, you’ve got a lot of exciting activity on the horizon. A remodel is usually a pretty big project, and it can get to be incredibly pricey, as well. When you’re remodeling your home, it can quickly get to the point where you might want to save money just about any way that you can. The costs can all start to add up, and anything that helps you save some cash might be a welcome suggestion. As it turns out, the building materials and supplies that you’ll use are typically the most expensive parts of your remodel. There are a few ways that you can mitigate this cost, though, and ultimately save yourself a decent amount of money on the entire project. We’ll talk about ways that you can make sure you’re able to save a few bucks when it comes to the supplies that you’re going to need for your upcoming home remodel.

1. Make Sure You Purchase the Supplies. A lot of times, the contractor will want to purchase the supplies that get used in your home remodel. Of course, if you’re tackling the task yourself, this isn’t something about which you’ll have to worry. If you’re going with a contractor, though, see if you can get them to let you pick out the materials that are used. This way, you can make sure that you’re not paying for more expensive materials than you really need.

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