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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

5 Plumbing Tips To Save You Money On Your Water Bill

As a homeowner, you know that the bills pile up quickly! Often the water bill can be very high if you are not cautious of your use. In order to reduce your bills each month, consider utilizing these 5 plumbing tips that can help you to save a significant amount of money on your next water bill.

First, be sure to turn of the water any time you’re not using it. This may seem obvious, but there are often times when you may not be aware that the water is running when you’re not using it. Try to be more aware of turning of the water while brushing your teeth, washing your hair or washing the dishes. These tiny changes and adjustments can add up and make a huge difference when the water bill arrives at the end of the month.

plumbing tips that will save you moneyDisplace the water in your toilet bowl chamber. Often toilets use way more water than needed to flush. You can avoid this by lifting up the cover of the toilet chamber. Then, place a brick or big rock inside in order to displace the water. This will allow the toilet to function but use a smaller amount of water to flush–only what is necessary.

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Money Saving Tips

Money-Saving Tips For Single Moms

single moms smart personal financeFor Sarah Roe, saving money has become a way of life. As a money-saving single mom, she shares a few tips about how she manages her expenses with a frugal budget on her popular blog– it includes simple solutions like freezing extra food, lowering your bills or educating your kids about money. Something most, if not all of us, can do!

With Christmas round the corner, the fact that household budgets skyrocket in December is no secret. The pinch on the pocket is felt harder by single moms who have to save to spend on ‘extras’ during the holidays- new clothes, gifts and decorations jostle for space along with priorities like rent, gas and groceries.A few spare dollars always come in handy for last-minute holiday purchases.

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Money Saving Tips

Home Energy Bills: 5 Ways To Save During The Holidays

ways to save on utility bills during the holidaysWhen you’re in the midst of entertaining guests, decorating your home (on both the inside and outside) and doing a lot of holiday cooking, it’s totally understandable how your energy bills could end up being higher than they are any time of the year. However, just because that is a reality for many, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t certain things that you can do this year to avoid spending more than what is in your budget.

If you’d like some tips on how you can save on your home energy bills during the holidays, we have five helpful ones for you below:

Change your window treatments. If you happened to walk past one of your windows, felt a bit of a draft and you don’t have double-pane windows installed, it could be that there’s a crack or small hole around the sides of your windows. One way to fix it is by applying some caulking. Also, go to a local Target or Wal-Mart to purchase some thermal curtains. They come in a variety of styles and colors, they’re affordable and they’re specifically designed to keep cold air from coming into the rooms of your house.

Check your insulation. One of the reasons why we have insulation inside of our homes is to help protect us from outside temperatures. So, in order to make sure that you have the proper support that you need, go into your attic to make sure that your insulation appears light and fluffy (as opposed to hard and broken) and that it’s about 12″ in thickness. If it’s not, replace your insulation with sheep’s wool, cotton or aerogel.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Tips To Help You Avoid Expensive Auto Repairs

tips to reduce costs of auto repairsIf there’s one thing that we use on a daily basis that we tend to take for granted, it would have to be our vehicles. In fact, unless we need to put gas in the car, we usually don’t even give it a second thought. That is until we hop into the car to go somewhere and either it doesn’t start or it starts to make a funny noise. Then we know that it’s time to take it to a professional.

If you’re anything like us and you’re on a budget so you want to know how you can avoid expensive auto repair fees, you’re in luck. Below, we’re going to share with you five tips that will help to keep you on the road without breaking the bank in the process.

Pay attention to the warnings. The brilliant thing about car manufacturers is that they design vehicles in such a way that your car will provide you with certain signals to let you know when it is in need of some service. For instance, if you hear a squeaking sound when you hit your brakes, it’s time to get some new brake pads. Or if you notice your check engine light is on, you definitely need to see a mechanic. By simply adhering to these kinds of warnings, it can be the difference between spending a few dollars and literally hundreds on repairs.

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Money Saving Tips

Out With Coupons And In With The Savings Apps

savings appsAre you tired of lugging those heavy books of coupons around the stores with you? You’re not alone. While couponing can save some serious moola, it can also be a big headache. There’s all the clipping, organizing, storing and purging of expired coupons to deal with. Not to mention that it can get quite confusing during checkout when you’re trying to pull out all the coupons you need. Good news – you don’t have to do that anymore! That’s right, apps have taken the place of all those cluttered coupons in your purse. Here are the details on some of the most popular savings apps for iPhone and Android.


SnipSnap is a revolutionary tool when it comes to coupons. Rather than having only electronic coupons on your phone, you can actually snap a picture of your coupons, save them to your phone and redeem them at most stores. Not only will you have your coupons handy without shuffling through lots of paper, but you’ll have their excellent tracking tools as well. The app sends expiration date alerts to let you know when your coupons are about to expire.

Target App

Target has great deals every day, but they send out coupons twice a month, too. Now, you can get alerts to the best deals the store has to offer and their coupons by using their smartphone app. Use it to shop online after you get your payday loans, and manage your Target gift cards right from the app. If you’re a frequent shopper at this store, this app is a must have.

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