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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

5 Ways To Make Your Money Last Longer In College

college tipsAlthough the main reason to go to college is so that you can get the education that you need in order to get the kind of job that you want, ask just about any former college student and they will tell you that it’s also the time when you can develop great money management skills. After all, if there’s ever a time when an individual has to figure out how to make their money stretch as far as possible, it would while they’re in college.

If you would like some tips on how you can make your money last longer while you’re in college, we have five failsafe ones for you below:

Live on campus (or with your parents). Although it can be cool to have an off-campus apartment, with it comes a lot of financial responsibility including paying for rent and utilities each month. Our recommendation would be that you live on campus or with your parents, at least for a couple of years instead. That way, your money can stay in the bank rather than going to a landlord.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Easy Ways For First Year MBA Students To Save Money

tips for MBA studentsWhen you made the decision to enroll into an MBA program, once you saw how much the tuition costs, you already knew that it was going to be a pretty big investment. After all, no matter where you go, you are looking to pay anywhere between $12,000-80,000 a semester.

And while there is a lot of data to support the fact that having your MBA can increase your chances of landing a dream job, can earn you more money and it can also provide you with the skills that you need to be a successful entrepreneur, we’re pretty sure that while you’re in school, you want to do all that you can to keep as much money in your pocket as possible.

That’s why, if you’re a first-year MBA student, we wanted to provide you with five easy ways that you can save money below:

Buy used textbooks. Out of all of the things that you might consider buying new, one thing that should definitely not go on that list is a set of textbooks. Used ones work just as well and sometimes even better because previously owners will sometimes already highlight the information that you need to know. Amazon, Book Byte and Half eBay are all websites that can get you the textbooks that you need at a really great (discounted) price.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Essential Money Saving Tips For Nurses

tips for nursesAs a nurse, saving money is important, but it can be hard to know what some of the more essential money saving tips are. When you are a nurse, not only is going through training expensive, but so is purchasing text books, nursing applications, hospital parking permits and scrubs. When it comes down to it, it seems like the list is endless. However, there are numerous ways to remain frugal, so that you can put yourself through nursing school on a dime and so you can do your best at your job. As a nurse, worrying about the little expenses can get in the way of being the best care taker you can be to your patients. Here are five essential money saving tips for nurses.

Take courses online. Online courses can be vastly more affordable than going to an actual classroom. These days, getting your CNA certification is easier than ever and taking classes online is much more convenient than other means of getting the nursing education you need. Going to class everyday also incurs other costs to, like fuel and parking permit expenses – all of which can add up, so it is important to cut these costs where you can.

Use e-books instead of purchasing textbooks. When you are a nurse, not only do you need textbooks while you train to become a nurse, but you also need a number of other books when you are working at a hospital or healthcare facility. Books include materials on the basics of nursing and educational materials on different diagnoses and various medications. However, downloading these books on your personal computer or smart phone is vastly less expensive.

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Money Saving Tips

5 Plumbing Tips To Save You Money On Your Water Bill

As a homeowner, you know that the bills pile up quickly! Often the water bill can be very high if you are not cautious of your use. In order to reduce your bills each month, consider utilizing these 5 plumbing tips that can help you to save a significant amount of money on your next water bill.

First, be sure to turn of the water any time you’re not using it. This may seem obvious, but there are often times when you may not be aware that the water is running when you’re not using it. Try to be more aware of turning of the water while brushing your teeth, washing your hair or washing the dishes. These tiny changes and adjustments can add up and make a huge difference when the water bill arrives at the end of the month.

plumbing tips that will save you moneyDisplace the water in your toilet bowl chamber. Often toilets use way more water than needed to flush. You can avoid this by lifting up the cover of the toilet chamber. Then, place a brick or big rock inside in order to displace the water. This will allow the toilet to function but use a smaller amount of water to flush–only what is necessary.

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Money Saving Tips

Money-Saving Tips For Single Moms

single moms smart personal financeFor Sarah Roe, saving money has become a way of life. As a money-saving single mom, she shares a few tips about how she manages her expenses with a frugal budget on her popular blog– it includes simple solutions like freezing extra food, lowering your bills or educating your kids about money. Something most, if not all of us, can do!

With Christmas round the corner, the fact that household budgets skyrocket in December is no secret. The pinch on the pocket is felt harder by single moms who have to save to spend on ‘extras’ during the holidays- new clothes, gifts and decorations jostle for space along with priorities like rent, gas and groceries.A few spare dollars always come in handy for last-minute holiday purchases.

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