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Money Saving Tips

Money Saving Tips

6 Unusual Ways To Save Money

unusual ways to save moneyTake care of your pennies, and pounds will take care of themselves.  – an English proverb.

Over more than 3 years of freelancing, I’ve learned that saving money is essential to getting a sense of security. Below you will find a list of money-saving tactics, which have helped me and which I hope will help you improve your financial situation. They are all simple, and, if combined together, they can save you quite a bit of money already today.

#1. Create a Bank of Discounts.

There’s a lot of power in unity. So how can you capitalize on this truth and join forces to save? One of the ways is to ask your colleagues or friends what discount cards they have and invite them to share. You can create a simple Google Docs document with the cards you all have and share it among yourselves. This way, everyone will have a lot of discounts at once. Such a “bank of discounts” has worked wonders for me.

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Money Saving Tips

The Best Ways To Find Coupon Codes Online

how to find coupon codes onlineCoupons give you a chance to save money, and, like they say, “a penny saved is a penny earned.” Taking a little time to understand coupons and utilize their benefits can have big rewards. Think of all the money you will end up saving on a long-term scale, but even then you will see the immediate results every trip to the store. That’s more money in your pocket to spend how you want to spend it or save for a rainy day.

Coupons are easy to get, too, maybe even easier than you thought. In fact you can get plenty of coupons from the comfort of your living room couch online. You can get this type of coupon through retailers or other various websites which offer discount codes. If you’re not sure how this works, simply check out Discountrue and you’ll see what I mean. A discount code is a series of numbers and letters, and when you arrive at the checkout you can enter these codes and receive discounts.

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Money Saving Tips

Tips To Save On Courier Insurance

courier insuranceCourier insurance isn’t cheap and, when you look at the risks faced by courier drivers every day, you can understand why insurance providers feel the need to make courier insurance premiums one of the highest motor insurance packages.

Transporting goods almost always comes with abiding to a very strict time schedule which can be cut very fine if the roads busy. This, along with many hours spent on the road with numerous stops and sometimes during the night, is why insurers consider courier drivers a high risk.

Fortunately, there are ways that courier drivers can cut the cost of their cover while still remaining fully protected when going about their daily work. It’s well worth investigating different options if you’re involved in a courier business in any way and more often than not it is in the smaller details that there are savings to be had.

Tips to save on courier insurance

Promote your good claims history: Courier insurance brokers are always pleased with drivers who have a clean driving record as they instantly know you can be considered less of a risk than a driver who has past convictions. If this fails to get you a small discount from the start, you become eligible for a courier No Claims Bonus after a few years if you remain accident-free and will be appropriately rewarded with discounted premiums.

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Money Saving Tips

3 Quick Ways To Reduce Your Spending

tips to reduce spendingWhen it comes to personal finances there is no shame in admitting that you could do with a little bit of extra money to help you get through the month. However, unless you have a money-making scheme hidden up your sleeve, the best short-term way of getting more cash is to simply spend less. But don’t worry, this doesn’t mean that you have to turn off your heating or switch off the lights; it just means that you need to make sure you’re getting the best deals around. To help with this, there are three simple tips that you can follow.

  1. Write It Out

If you’re trying to cut your spending it is always worthwhile writing all of your outgoings down so that you know exactly where your money is going. As while you may think that you’re being frugal with your money, it is easy to underestimate exactly how much you’re spending on even the littlest of things. Many people, for instance, end up spending much more than they’d planned on unnecessary items such as magazines and newspapers. Another common unnecessary expense which you don’t always realize you’re incurring, is money spent on buying lunch or snacks when you’re out and about or at work. That is why you can only really start to make cutbacks in your outgoings once you’ve got a good understanding of where it is that your money is going. So whether you start to make lunch at home or just cut back on those little extras, you are sure to start saving money without even noticing the difference.

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Money Saving Tips

Ironing Out The Creases – How Ironing Can Save You Money

ironing can save you moneyIt’s a problem that has plagued humans all throughout history. Yes, wrinkled clothes have annoyed countless humans. Nothing is more irritating than putting on that special shirt or blouse, only to find it is unwearable due to the many wrinkles it carries. That’s where the iron comes in. While it may have gone through much iteration, its core mission has stayed the same, to straighten out your clothes. Here’s how irons have developed as technology has changed, and just how much value they add to the home.

Traditional Irons

As you might imagine, traditional irons were quite rudimentary. The Chinese would fill pans with hot coals, and then press that over stretched cloth to get rid of wrinkles. Meanwhile, people in Europe would use stones, glass, and even wood to smooth out garments. The improvements have been small until recently.

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