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To Rent Or Not To Rent, That Is The Question.

A lot of people think about the question of whether they should rent or buy. And a lot of answers are offered that frame the question as if it’s about investment first and foremost. But the truth is that if it’s your primary residence, you should be considering much more than the factor of buying a home to sell later on. Here, we’re going to take a much closer look at the question of renting a home and why it may be more worth it than many readers believe.

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Reasons To Downsize From A House To A Flat

Each year, more and more homeowners are realizing that downsizing could be the answer to all of their problems. Of course, everyone wants a large, luxurious home, but the fact of the matter is that for most of us, it’s just not an affordable option. That’s why there has been an increase in the amount of homeowners who have chosen to sell up and downsize to smaller houses or apartments.

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The Perfect Spots In The Kitchen To Lighten Up With LED Lights

The light emitting diodes or LEDs are your buddies if you want a well-lit home without spiking up your utility bills. Compared to an incandescent bulb, LEDs use about 25%-80% less energy and can last up to 25 times longer. Therefore, switching to an energy-efficient light bulb like LEDs may help you save $75 annually. That’s the main reason why a lot of homeowners prefer using LEDs as artificial light in the house.

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Household, Money Saving Tips

Ways To Save Energy & Money Around Your Home

Everyone wants to save money and most people are also environmentally conscious as well.  There are several ways you can save money around our home, and I have highlighted a few of these below.

Use a programmable thermostat

This is an easy way to ensure that you maximize the dollars you spend on heating and cooling your home.  You can program your thermostat so that you are comfortable while you are at home, without having the heat or air conditioning running as much while you are out.

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How To Renovate Your Property On A Small Budget

Whether it’s to create a more comfortable living space or work your way up the property ladder, renovating your home can be a daunting task. However, it does not need to break the bank and there are many tips and tricks that you can follow to renovate your property on a small budget.

Tactical Painting
Adding a fresh coat of paint to a room is one of the most cost-effective ways to make an obvious change. Nowadays, many people opt for light and natural colours as this gives the illusion of a bigger and brighter room. As well, white paints tend to be a lot cheaper, meaning you can transform rooms and not worry about the strain on your budget.

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