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The 12 Hardest Universities To Get Into In The UK

The university you attend will have a huge impact on your future – both financially and otherwise. Your time at university will be instrumental in affecting the rest of your life, so it’s important that you don’t take the decision of where to attend lightly.

There are many universities that are extremely hard to get into in the United Kingdom. GK, education PR specialists have put together this awesome info-graphic of the twelve most difficult universities to get accepted into. This list includes some high-profile universities such as Oxford and the University of London. They both offer some excellent personal finance courses, in addition to many other courses. Please refer to the info-graphic for the full list.

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The Finances Of Winning In Court

If you have recently won a legal case of any kind, then congratulations are in order. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this is the better side of the situation to be on, and you are probably keen to celebrate your win. However, it is important that you don’t lose your head completely at this point, as there will still be many things to consider. Even if you win your case, you will need to think about many of the financial implications of having had the court case in the first place. All of the following can vary dramatically depending on your own situation, what kind of case it was, whether you were the plaintiff or the defendant, and what your local laws might be. However, you will find that it is worth considering all of the following anyway.

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3 Home Sale Secrets Only Real Estate Agents Know

When you’re looking to sell your home, you want to do everything possible to ensure that you’re getting the best results for your efforts. That being said, when you start to look at selling your home, you are going to find that there are a lot of little things that you need to do to make it work in your favor. How can you make sure that you’re getting what you need and that you can sell your home? Realtors have a lot of secrets that can give you a lot of insight about what may be the next thing that you want to do to get your home sold easily.

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Top 6 Tips For Job Interviews

When you’re preparing for an interview, your concentration is probably on the questions that they may ask you, through answers you’ll give, and the professional, yet slightly humorous anecdotes you’ll tell.  As a whole, that’s what the majority of the interview is about—and what will (with any luck) get you a fast pass to getting the job.

However, before you even get the chance to supply those immaculately thought-out answers, you’ll already have all eyes on you, estimating your potential to fit the job and the company. From the minute you walk in the door, the pressure is on: You have to make a worthy first impression.

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