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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Extra Money On Craigslist

What is Craigslist?

By now you have probably heard of Craigslist, right? Craigslist is a website which caters to the entire world. The best part about Craigslist is that you can sell anything you want and it doesn’t cost you a cent. Think about it, where else can you do this very same thing?

How can I make money using Craigslist?

Now, if you want to make extra money on Craigslist, then it is imperative that you find a few items around your home to list. What you should do is list items for less than what you think they are worth. By doing this you can get people to buy your items just for the sake of it as opposed to waiting around until somebody actually needs what you have to offer. What I highly recommend is that you stay away from electronics as they are difficult to sell and usually are a big hassle to deal with.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money By Peer To Peer Lending

What is peer to peer lending?

Have you ever heard of peer to peer lending? Peer to peer lending is where you lend money to another person. The benefit of doing this is that you will get the interest payment sent to you as opposed to simply putting your money in the bank. Think about it, if you make a lousy .5% by saving money at the bank and you can make 6-9% by lending money to other people, which one would you choose? My guess is that you would rather make the 6-9% and that is why you need to participate in peer to peer lending.

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Earn Extra Money

Is It Possible To Make Money From Twitter?

Do you have a Twitter account? What do you use your Twitter account for? I only ask this because most people use their Twitter accounts to give updates to friends and that’s about it, however, there is much more than you can do with Twitter. One of the things that I strongly recommend is that you use Twitter to actually make you money.

Now this is where a lot of people get confused because you can’t make money with Twitter if you don’t have a good following. So you should try as hard as you can to get more people to follow you on Twitter and then promote different products to them, get them to go back to a website where you are selling something or just sell your Tweets. These are all things that you can do and I am going to explain how all three of them work right now.

Three Ways To Make Money From Twitter

Promote Products – In order to make money from Twitter it is always a good idea to promote products. A lot of people like to promote products but the problem is they are not doing it right. The best thing for you to do is casually bring up a product in passing and then add a link to that product. This is what the most successful people do on Twitter and it really works.

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Earn Extra Money

How To Make Money Selling Website Links

If you are reading this then you might already have a website and this is something that you are rather familiar with. In order for a website to rank higher on the search engines you need to have more quality links pointing back to it. This is how you are going to make money.

The trick here is to have a lot of quality websites that you can use to sell links on for other website owners. For example, if you have ten websites in the health niche, then you can sell one link ad on every website to a website in that same niche. What this will do is show the search engines that the website you are linking to is a quality site, therefore moving it up the search engine a little bit at a time. This is the goal; however, you still have to figure out a way to sell those links.

In the list below I show you what it takes in order to sell websites links and make money from it. This is not as difficult as it may sound and once you get started you will see what I mean.

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Earn Extra Money

How Yard Sales Can Make You Money

Do you know what a yardsaler is? A yardsaler is somebody that goes around to yard sales all the time. Now, this is not how you make money, however, being a yardsaler can bring in a lot of extra income if you are smart.  I’ll tell you how.

How can I make money by yardsaling?

The way that you go about making money is you scour all sorts of yard sales for good deals. If you find something that you know you can sell to a friend, on Craigslist or on eBay, then buy it. This is the general way to make money in yard sales, however, there is a different way that I want to talk to you about that works much better.

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