To some, the interest rate is a rather meaningless number that seems to change on an almost daily basis. However, if you are applying for a credit card, buying a new car or applying for a mortgage, this number can significantly affect how much you are paying every month and over the term, or length of your loan. At the time of writing, mortgage rates are low and it is a good time to buy a home, or refinance an existing mortgage at a lower rate.
The interest rate is defined as the amount of money it will cost you to borrow a certain amount of money from a bank or lender. It is virtually impossible to accurately predict mortgage interest rates; one of the biggest factors that influence them is simple supply and demand. If more people are buying houses, more money is being borrowed, which means that lenders can charge higher rates to borrow the money. In a slow economy, less people are borrowing money, rates are generally lower to attract customers, and there is more money to lend.
The mortgage interest rate affects you both in the short term and the long term. A rate that is lower means that your monthly payments are lower; it also means that over the term of the mortgage, you are paying less. Whereas the traditional mortgage is taken out for a period of 30 years, a lower rate means that you may perhaps be able to take out a shorter term mortgage, of 20 or even 15 years. Also, it means that you will own your home outright, sooner rather than later – a big advantage.
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