
A Quick And Easy Way To View Flyers Online And Save Money

Right now my husband and I live in apartment, so we don’t receive the grocery store flyers in our mailbox.  Because I like to be informed of the sales before I go shopping, I simply go to and look at the flyers online.  The website is quick and really easy to use and it allows me to make a list of the best deals before I shop.  In fact, I prefer using flyerland to receiving paper copies of the flyers.  It’s better for the environment and easier to skim through.

Flyerland also contains various coupons  and contests that you may be interested in.  Although there are many coupon websites for Americans, Canadians sadly have very few.  So, to all you Canadians out there looking for the best deals, I would definitely encourage you to check out Flyerland.

Customize the website so that it locates flyers and deals within your city, and then type in the name of the store whose flyer you want to view.  It will often redirect you to the specific retailer’s website.  I have never had any problems with the website so far and it doesn’t take a lot of computer literacy to use the site.  It is well designed and user friendly.

So the next time you head out to buy groceries, be sure to quickly go online and check out Flyerland so that you can spend less time at the grocery store and be a well informed shopper.

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